Helping Women Calm Their Nervous System
to Improve
Energy, Mood and Hormone Balance
Hi, I’m Marion
As a degree-qualified Naturopath with over 10 years experience, I am passionate about helping women who feel frazzled, fatigued and moody - to reach a calmer, energetic and more balanced place.
When our nervous systems are overworked and stressed out, we will eventually notice effects on our energy, mood, sleep, metabolism and hormone balance. Unfortunately our bodies are unable to heal or improve if they are in a constant state of stress.
I can help you calm your nervous system and improve your symptoms, while we work on undressing the underlying causes.
Identifying and correcting these underlying issues will give you holistic and sustainable improvements in how you feel and improve your quality of life.
Everything in our bodies is connected, so it’s common that your symptoms are due to multiple factors which may include - nervous system dysfunction, nutrient deficiencies, hormone imbalances and poor gut health.
I’m passionate about educating my clients on how they can support their health through quality supplements, food choices, lifestyle, mindset and self kindness.