Nutrient Deficiency

Why You Need To Count Nutrients, NOT Calories

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Do you spend your days stressing over the number of calories you've consumed?

Do you consider nutrients or health properties of foods, or are you just concerned with calories?

Counting calories can be misleading, time consuming and take the joy out of eating.  

Our bodies and brain need a variety of NUTRIENTS to function optimally and feel our best. 

Nutrient dense foods can sometimes be high calorie food, such as whole eggs or avocado, which is why basing your diet on calories alone can lead to a nutrient deplete diet - this will impact your energy, mood and metabolism.

Consider the picture below comparing two breakfast options with similar calorie content but very different nutrient and health benefits.

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It's clear which option has more nutrients and health benefits for you.

We need quality fat, protein and a variety of plant foods to provide all the nutrients our body needs - so if you're going to count something make it the nutrients! 

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Nutrient Dense food is usually:

  • Fresh

  • Local

  • Seasonal

  • Minimally Processed

  • Raised Naturally (if animal derived)

  • Spray Free or Organic

It’s what you do most of the time that counts - so just aim to choose nutrient dense foods as much as possible, and if you choose to indulge sometimes - enjoy it without guilt.

While it's true you can eat excess calories or food, if you eat slowly and mindfully, choose real nutrient dense food and eat only when hungry, you will consume what's ideal for you without having to stress over counting every mouthful.  

I find it useful to include a palm size of protein, 1-2 tbsp oil or fats and enough vegetables to feel satisfied.  You can also include some whole grains such as rice or quinoa as a side.  Work out the amounts that suit YOU best and remember that this can vary over different life stages.

Some women find it helpful to track their food intake for a short time, which can be a great way to become more mindful of what you are eating, but aim to base the food choices on nutrient level rather than calories. 


Low fat and diet products with artificial sweeteners may be lower in calories but they are highly processed products, nutrient poor and have been shown to contribute to weight gain.  

Choose the least processed foods whenever you can and these will satisfy you the most and help you regulate weight.

Take notice of what you feel best on - in regards to digestion, energy and mood.  

Low calorie diets often just result in deprivation, cravings and feeling miserable, and they can also be damaging especially for women in regards to our metabolism and hormone balance.

Low calorie often equates to low fat - but the right fats are crucial for healthy hormone balance, weight and appetite regulation, healthy skin, energy and mood.  They also help you feel satisfied for longer and help you absorb other nutrients from your foods. Unfortunately many dietary guidelines are still based on outdated science which promotes a low fat diet.

If you're starving your body with a low calorie diet, your body will want to hold on to any fat stores it has due to a perceived lack of food.  

If you struggle with your weight check you are limiting sugar in your diet and eating enough healthy fats and protein.  

Hormonal imbalances such as under-active thyroid or high cortisol, or digestive issues and poor gut health can also contribute to weight gain or trouble losing weight.  If you'd like to test or investigate these further please contact me to find out more.



You can learn more about the best foods for mood in my Calming Anxiety Ebook.

If you’d like to work with me, you can find out more HERE

Or Sign up for my Freebie - 5 Tips To Ease Anxiety.

Still Tired Even After A Holiday?



Are you feeling refreshed and full of energy for the new year?  If not there's likely an underlying reason!  Fatigue is a very common symptom for the women I see in clinic - here are the top 7 causes and the tests we use to figure out which one is relevant to you.



These can be some of the quickest to notice improvements in energy levels with the right supplement.  However it's also our job to figure out why you developed this deficiency - is your digestive function impaired, are you lacking certain nutrients in your diet, are your periods excessively heavy?

The most common deficiencies I see in regards to fatigue are

  • Low Iron and/or Ferritin (iron stores)

  • Low B12

  • Low Vitamin D

A simple blood test can help us assess your levels and determine the best dosage and supplement.




Even if your GP has said your thyroid is fine - just being in the test range does not mean your levels are ideal or optimal!  You can have an under-active thyroid which affects the amount of thyroid hormone (T4) produced and/or the amount converted to the active form (T3).  This can be happening without having 'diagnosable' hypothyroidism.  

An under-active thyroid is especially common in women who have ongoing stress - as stress really impacts thyroid function.  Weight gain, poor cognition, dry skin, constipation, hair loss and high cholesterol are other common symptoms of an under-active thyroid.

A simple blood test from your Naturopath which tests the 3 thyroid hormones (TSH, T4 and T3) is essential, to give a total picture of how your thyroid is functioning.  Due to medicare, GP's usually only test TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) - which alone doesn't tell us enough about your thyroid hormone production and conversion to active T3.



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Women today are pushing themselves more and more - and burning themselves out in the process.  We all have a tipping point and can handle stress for a certain time before our body starts to seriously malfunction and fatigue.  Your adrenal glands produce cortisol (and other hormones) in response to any type of stress - and while some cortisol in short bursts is fine, many of us have high cortisol 24/7!  Eventually your adrenals cannot keep up with demand and your cortisol production will fall, or your regular cortisol pattern over the day will become dysregulated.  This will mean your cortisol and energy will be higher at night, instead of in the morning, which can then contribute to sleep issues, further exacerbating fatigue.

We use a saliva cortisol test which measures 4 or 6 samples over one day to assess your levels and 24hr pattern.  Depending on the extent of your adrenal fatigue it can take months to recover from, so don't ignore the hints your body is giving you!


Keep an eye out for part 2 coming next week....


If you would like help getting to the bottom of your fatigue and improve your energy for 2018, book your consultation today!




Marion McConnell is a degree qualified Naturopath who helps women with stress, hormone imbalances and thyroid issues.  The clinic is located in New Farm Brisbane, and consultations are also available via Skype.  You can contact Marion here.