
Top 3 Causes Of Fatigue In Women


Are you tired or exhausted ALL - THE - TIME even if you get plenty of sleep?

Is it a struggle to get going every morning?

Are you relying on caffeine and sugar to get your through the day?

You are not alone!

Here’s the top 3 causes of fatigue I see in clinic and some steps you can take to improve your energy.


Some stress and cortisol is healthy but ongoing daily relentless stress will eventually wear you out and your energy will flat line. Anxiety is also a common factor in fatigue, as constantly feeling anxious is a type of stress on your body.

Cortisol increases in acute stress but is not designed to constantly be high, and eventually you will reach your tipping point where your body and adrenal glands just can’t keep up with demand.

This is when you will struggle to produce much cortisol at all and you will feel exhausted ALL THE TIME. Cortisol is meant to be high in the morning and lowers over the day however when you reach this exhaustion stage your cortisol will be low all day - giving you none of the energetic effects of cortisol.

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Many women today are constantly trying to do more and push harder without taking time to rest and recharge our bodies.

Your body needs regular recharging for optimal function - just like your phone battery.

As women we can feel guilty taking time for ourselves but it’s so vital to our health and energy that we make this happen.


Even if you have been told your thyroid is fine you could still have an under-functioning thyroid. This can contribute to fatigue, low mood, weight gain, brain fog and hair loss.

Make sure your three thyroid hormones (TSH, T4, T3) have been assessed for IDEAL levels by a qualified Naturopath. Due to Medicare restrictions your GP will usually only test TSH - but this alone cannot give you a clear indicator of thyroid function. If you have a family history of thyroid issues and/or have been under ongoing stress your risk of thyroid issues will be increased.



The most common nutritional deficiencies that contribute to fatigue include iron, B12, magnesium and vitamin D.

Even if you eat well and eat animal foods you may still be low in iron or B12 especially if you have digestive issues which reduces your ability to absorb these nutrients. Gluten intolerance can also be a contributing factor to chronic low iron levels. Imbalances in gut bacteria can also contribute to reduced production of B12.

During stressful times your body has an increased demand for magnesium and so over time this can also become depleted - as well as our soils and food containing less magnesium content than in the past. Magnesium is also required for optimal Vitamin D and so many Australians are low in this important vitamin/hormone which contributes to energy and mood.


  • Optimise sleep by practicing good sleep hygiene and sticking to a regular sleep routine. Taking a good quality magnesium supplement at night can improve sleep quality and also reduce headaches, muscle tension or cramps.

  • If your fatigue is caused from ongoing anxiety, there are many natural treatments that can help such as Magnesium and Herbal Supplements.

  • Work on optimising your nutrition for sustained energy throughout the day. Taking an activated B complex can help top up B vitamin levels for energy.

  • Take time out everyday to rest and recharge your body and adrenal glands. Even if you start with 10 minutes per day while you enjoy a cup of herbal tea. Practice not feeling guilty while you do this and prioritise this time for yourself by booking it into your calendar like you would other important events.

  • Work on boundaries, thoughts and beliefs that contribute to your experience of stress and anxiety - become aware of the everyday things that make you feel stressed.

  • Focus on some deep breathing - this simple technique helps to reduce cortisol, anxiety and the stress response immediately. It can be good to practice first thing in the morning, before going to bed or whenever you notice yourself feeling stressed throughout the day.

  • Get a second opinion or have your blood test results assessed by a qualified Naturopath to insure your levels are IDEAL and OPTIMAL for great energy, not just ‘in the range’ which is quite broad.

If you find this information helpful please share with other women you know who are struggling with fatigue.


You can learn more about easing anxiety in my Calming Anxiety Ebook.

If you’d like to work with me, you can find out more HERE

Or Sign up for my Freebie - 5 Tips To Ease Anxiety.

Hormones and Weight


Do you struggle to lose or maintain your ideal weight? Your hormones may be sabotaging your weight loss efforts!

Hormones are messengers throughout your body - instructing your cells and organs - and help regulate many body processes such as metabolism and weight.

Many women have underlying hormone imbalances that cause much frustration in regards to regulating weight.

The most common hormone imbalances that may be influencing your weight include -


Many women have under-active thyroid function and lower than ideal thyroid hormone levels (T4 and T3) which regulate our weight and metabolism, along with many other influences particularly on our energy and mood. If you have been told your thyroid is ‘fine’ after a blood test, you may still have an under-active thyroid and can read more here.

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Insulin helps to regulate blood sugar levels and keep them within an ideal range. When the demand for insulin is excessive - primarily from consuming too much sugar, sweet foods/drinks and refined grains - you can become insulin resistant, meaning you need more and more insulin to have the same effect.

This imbalance is mostly associated with diabetes, but is becoming more common, occuring at younger ages and contributes to the development of many chronic health issues. Insulin resistance is also a major factor in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). You can read more about insulin resistance and how to improve it here.



Many women live in a constant stressed state which results in increased cortisol and adrenaline. Cortisol is protective and energising in acute bursts but our bodies are not designed to handle ongoing stress and will eventually reach burn out. Along the way our ability to regulate weight will be impacted in a number of ways.

Cortisol slows metabolism by impairing thyroid function, may lead to comfort eating or poorer food choices, contributes to other hormone imbalances, impacts gut bacteria balance, and increased cortisol levels are linked to increased abdominal fat cells. Stress impacts every area of our body and managing stress is key to keeping your hormones and weight in a happy balance!



The most common imbalance for women is higher estrogens in relation to progesterone. This estrogenic environment encourages weight to be stored around the hips and thighs, and you may experience other symptoms such as PMS, fluid retention, sore breasts, painful or heavy periods, fibroids and endometriosis.

Many factors can encourage this imbalance especially ongoing stress, use of the Pill and exposure to estrogenic chemicals (skin care, make up, fragrances, cleaning products, plastics and pesticides). Especially as women we can be applying and exposing ourselves to a huge amount of these chemicals everyday!

Estrogen plays a significant role in the regulation of adipose tissue or fat cells, and these cells can also contribute to the production of more estrogen. Optimal liver and digestive function is important in helping your body to remove these excess estrogens.

Hormone imbalances have numerous impacts on weight regulation, and while supplements can help restore hormone balance there are also steps you can take in your daily life to support happy hormones and improve weight regulation.

Here’s my top 5 tips -

  • Stress Management to help reduce cortisol. Lack of sleep, caffeine and alcohol can all increase cortisol, while gentle to moderate exercise can help to reduce cortisol. Here are some other cortisol lowering tips.

  • Follow a low sugar lifestyle to regulate blood sugar and insulin - you can read more here.

  • Include a variety of vegetables and fibre to support digestive health and removal of excess hormones and chemicals.

  • Make sleep a priority as this influences other hormone levels and weight regulation.

  • Switch to non-toxic products, use glass/ceramic/stainless steel over plastics and choose spray free or organic produce whenever possible.

If you need help assessing your hormones and restoring hormone balance I’d love to help you.


Marion McConnell is a degree qualified Naturopath who helps women with stress, hormone imbalances, anxiety and fatigue.  The clinic is located in New Farm Brisbane, and consultations are also available via Skype.  You can contact Marion here.

Is Your Thyroid Really 'Fine'?

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Do you suspect you have a thyroid issue but have been told your test result is fine?

I see this happen regularly and this week had another client who had experienced the same thing.  Once we tested her thyroid more thoroughly her levels indicated an under-active thyroid and also the presence of thyroid antibodies which indicate auto-immune activity.  If these levels are high enough a GP would diagnose you with Hashimoto's - the auto-immune version of hypothyroidism or under-active thyroid.  This condition is quite common in women, especially if you have a family history of thyroid issues. 

This client had a number of chronic health issues that she'd been struggling with for years, which could all be linked to a suspected under-active thyroid.  These symptoms included constipation, anxiety and fatigue.  Other common symptoms that may indicate thyroid issues include weight gain or trouble regulating weight, brain fog, low mood, feeling cold all the time, low libido and hair loss.


A qualified Naturopath will assess all three thyroid hormones - TSH, T4 and active T3 - which are all needed to properly assess thyroid function.  We also look for 'ideal levels', not just that the result is 'within range'.  Other tests include thyroid antibodies to rule out auto-immune activity, reverse T3 and urinary Iodine.  Many women I see are also low in iron which is also essential for thyroid and immune function. 

Many women have sub-optimal thyroid function - meaning it's less than ideal, but goes undiagnosed as the test levels are still within range - it's not bad enough yet for a 'diagnosis'.  However this is the best time to start supporting your thyroid and body, and working on improving it's function, instead of waiting for things to get worse!  This is where a qualified Naturopath or Nutritionist can help you restore optimal thyroid health before you get to the stage where you may need replacement thyroid hormone medication for the rest of your life.  It's much easier to treat imbalances as soon as possible and prevent disease, rather than waiting for things to become more advanced or chronic.


Quality thyroid supplements can help improve your thyroid function and reduce symptoms.  These usually include herbs such as Withania and nutrients including iodine, selenium, zinc and tyrosine.  Stress and adrenal support, with herbs such as Rhodiola and Rehmannia are also great, as stress and cortisol impair thyroid and immune function.  

It is best to work with a qualified practitioner if you have antibodies or auto-immune thyroid issues so that these levels can be monitored and the correct dosages are prescribed for your needs.  For example, iodine is critical for thyroid function but too much iodine can worsen auto-immune thyroid issues, especially if you have low selenium.  It's all about finding the right balance for you.

Other things you can do to support your thyroid, especially if it is auto-immune based include

  • Going gluten free or avoiding a high wheat intake. Gluten can aggravate digestive and immune based issues, and you can be reactive to gluten even if you are not Coeliac.

  • Avoid halogens which interfere with iodine and thyroid function. These include bromine found in regular breads, flouride and chlorine found in tap water. Chlorine also disrupts gut bacteria and therefore our digestive and immune function. Use a tap filter that removes these chemicals.

  • Work on stress management and include gentle exercise to help reduce cortisol and stress.

  • Include seaweeds, seafood and pumpkin seeds for iodine and zinc, and a few brazil nuts for selenium. (Soaked or activated nuts and seeds are easier to digest).

  • Avoid eating an excessive amount of raw or uncooked cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale) due to goitrogens - which may impair thyroid function. Cooked cruciferous vegetables are great and have many disease fighting phytonutrients.

  • Limit or avoid soy - a small amount of fermented, organic soy is ok such as tempeh and miso.

  • Avoid other chemicals in plastics, fragrances and skin care as much as possible, as these impact hormone levels and our immune system, as well as contributing to disease and cancer risk. Use glass, ceramic, stainless steel and non-toxic skin/body/cleaning products.

If you feel something is not right, even though you've been told your test results are fine, please seek another opinion from a qualified Naturopath or Nutritionist who can assess your health and test results in a holistic and comprehensive way - and help you to improve any imbalances and symptoms before they become bigger health issues.  If you'd like a second opinion or advice from a preventative health care perspective, I'd love to help you.



Marion McConnell is a degree qualified Naturopath who helps women with stress, hormone imbalances, anxiety and fatigue.  The clinic is located in New Farm Brisbane, and consultations are also available via Skype.  You can contact Marion here.



Menopause Symptom Relief!


Are you suffering from menopause symptoms including hot flushes, insomnia, dryness and moodiness?

While these can be primarily due to a change in hormone levels, it's usually more than just estrogen involved.  Menopause should not be a time of suffering, but women of all ages are experiencing more hormonal imbalances and symptoms, especially in the lead up to menopause.

Once you reach menopause your ovaries produce minimal estrogen and your adrenals take over some of this hormone production.  A huge factor for many women is that their adrenals are already overworked from ongoing stress and production of stress hormones.  This is why supporting adrenal function with herbs and lifestyle can have a huge impact on menopause symptoms.

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An under-active thyroid may also be contributing, especially if you're suffering from dryness, fatigue, low mood, weight gain and constipation.  Thyroid function is also impaired by ongoing stress and is commonly under-diagnosed in women.  

An imbalance in your three estrogens or an excess of estrogen/s may also be involved - this is where saliva hormone testing can help to find out what the underlying imbalance is for you.

An increased risk of osteoporosis is associated with menopause, and while this is mostly blamed on reduced estrogen there are likely other factors involved.  Replacement with synthetic estrogen or supplementing calcium alone have their own side effects, including increased risk of cardiovascular disease and heart attack.  While low calcium is a problem, excess calcium can also be a problem!

Many other minerals and good fats are required to properly absorb and utilise calcium and support bone density.  If you have been recommended to take calcium make sure the supplement uses a more absorbable form of calcium such as a chelate or citrate.  It should also include other minerals such as magnesium, boron and zinc along with vitamin D3 and K2.  


Including certain fats in your diet is also essential for your body to absorb these minerals and the super important fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K), which many people are lacking in our modern diets.  These foods include

  • pasture raised eggs (especially the yolk!), butter, ghee, cream, animal liver/kidney/pate

  • pasture raised, full fat and fermented brie, gouda cheese and kefir

Fermented vegetables such as sauerkraut and kim chi also contain Vitamin K2, as does natto and emu oil.

Other factors that can inhibit mineral absorption include tea, coffee, sugars, refined grains, a diet high in whole grains/legumes/nuts/seeds (due to phytic acid content - especially if not soaked or fermented), poor digestive function, dysbiosis (imbalance in gut bacteria), fiber supplements, vitamin D deficiency and a low fat diet. 

These fats, minerals and vitamins are essential for reducing your risk of many chronic diseases such as osteoporosis, alzheimers and cardiovascular disease, along with boosting mood, skin appearance and weight regulation.  

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Some of my favourite herbs for menopause symptoms include Rehmannia, Zizyphus, Sage, St John's Wort and Black Cohosh.  

Magnesium and B vitamins can also be great to support your nervous system and stress response.  Working on reducing and managing stress in your life is also super important - gentle exercise can be one way to help with this.

When our bodies are out of balance then symptoms and disease develop - so it's about finding where the imbalances are in your body and lifestyle and working on restoring balance where it's needed. 

If you'd like help relieving menopause symptoms or suspect your have a hormonal imbalance I'd love to help you.


Marion McConnell is a degree qualified Naturopath who helps women with stress, hormone imbalances, anxiety and fatigue.  The clinic is located in New Farm Brisbane, and consultations are also available via Skype.  You can contact Marion here.

Constipation Causes And Treatment


Do you struggle with constipation?

Our digestive health impacts all areas of our body so ensuring your bowels are moving regularly is essential!  Ideally you should be having a bowel movement every one to two days, it should be easy to pass and formed - not pellet like or too loose.  Check out the Bristol Stool Chart  -  type 4 is ideal, and 3 is the next best type.

Optimal digestive health is essential for nutrient absorption, mental health, immunity and removal of wastes and toxins.

If you've been struggling with constipation a good place to start is ensuring you're drinking enough water (at least 1-2L depending on your diet and exercise level) and consuming adequate vegetables.  Include a variety of vegetables with each meal, along with some quality protein and fat. Including some fermented vegetables such as sauerkraut can also be a great way to support digestive health - start with 1 tbsp with one meal per day.  (If fermented vegetables cause you any digestive upset you may need to start smaller or you may have a more serious imbalance or overgrowth of gut bacteria which needs correcting first).

Dysbiosis - an imbalance in gut bacteria, can contribute to constipation, so a good quality multi-strain probiotic can be useful.  Our gut bacteria become imbalanced over time from antibiotics, antacids, steroid medication, chemicals, stress, alcohol, sugar and processed foods.


Magnesium citrate can also be used to help relax your nervous and digestive system to help get things moving.  If you are stressed your digestive system is literally shut down, as it is not seen as critical during a fight or flight response.  Ongoing stress, which is experienced by many people, has a huge impact on your digestive function. 

Sometimes just giving yourself enough time to sit on the toilet can help!  With our busy lives, some people just don't give their body enough time to relax on the toilet!  


Liquid herbs are amazing at improving digestive function especially chronic constipation.  Cascara, Yellow Dock, Globe Artichoke and Schisandra can be used safely and have a laxative effect.  They also work by stimulating liver function and improving bile production which are essential for optimal digestion and bowel movements.  A more frequent dose of herbs can be used initially until your digestion is moving more regularly.  A calming herb, such as Chamomile is ideal to use alongside the stronger action of Cascara, to help calm and soothe your digestive system.

Constipation, especially if chronic can also be caused by hypo or under-active thyroid function - which can be assessed by a Naturopath.  Testing TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) alone does not give you an accurate picture of thyroid function - you also need to check T3 and T4 levels.

Other conditions such as SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacteria Overgrowth) can also contribute to constipation - a Naturopath can help you work out which underlying issues and testing are relevant to you.

If you'd like to improve your digestive health I'd love to help you.  


  Marion McConnell is a degree qualified Naturopath who helps women with stress, hormone imbalances, anxiety and fatigue.  The clinic is located in New Farm Brisbane, and consultations are also available via Skype.  You can contact Marion here.

How To Be A Healthy Vegan

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Whatever your reasons for choosing a vegan diet there are some points to keep in mind to ensure you don't become deficient in certain nutrients or develop preventable health conditions.  

Some simple blood tests can help you monitor levels of vital nutrients such as B12, Iron, Ferritin (iron stores) and Vitamin D.  These nutrients are more likely to be deficient on vegan diets and they have a huge role in optimal health, especially in regards to nervous system function, mental health, thyroid function, immunity and energy levels.  You can get these levels checked with a Naturopath and use quality supplements to support ideal levels.  While supplements are a good option they can't replace eating whole foods which contain a wide array of nutrients working in synergy.  

Many vegan packaged products can be highly processed and nutritionally deplete, so cooking from scratch as much as possible is ideal.  Focus on a variety of vegetables and include healthy fats at each meal - avocado, olives and olive oil, coconut oil/milk/cream, chia and hemp seeds/oil.  A good quality fermented pea/rice protein powder may also be beneficial.  


Soaking or fermenting legumes/nuts/seeds/grains is also important to reduce phytic acid which otherwise can bind and reduce absorption of essential nutrients such as zinc and iron - these are vital for optimal skin and hair, immunity, hormones and mental health.  

Vegan diets can end up being high in grains, omega 6 and soy products and low in bioavailable protein and essential fatty acids.  This dietary pattern can contribute to inflammation, digestive issues, mineral deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, mental health issues and weight gain.  When choosing soy products look for organic fermented products such as tempeh, miso and tamari and be mindful of not consuming too much soy, due to the effects it can have on hormonal balance.

While many people initially feel amazing on a vegan diet, this may not be true for everyone long term.  Removing processed foods from our diets and eating more vegetables will make anyone feel better compared to a standard western diet, but a totally plant based diet may not support optimal health and energy in the long term.  Deficiencies can take a while to become apparent and symptoms can be subtle at first - maybe a little less energy, a little extra weight, a little more anxiety, a slightly longer menstrual cycle.


I love the ideals of veganism however if it becomes detrimental to your own health and quality of life, we have to ask ourselves if it is worth it?  Please be open to the idea that you may need to alter your diet if your health depends on it.  I know personally how much of a challenge this can be, to change your beliefs and mindset on something you've fully invested in for years.  I experienced worsening health after 6 years as a vegan and it took me many months from thinking of including some eggs until I actually did!  A hard thought to overcome was feeling that I'd failed somehow if I stopped following a vegan diet.

One huge change I noticed after including some animal foods again is that I actually felt properly satisfied after meals.  I used to be a little bit hungry all the time, or hungry after an hour of eating while I was vegan.  Constantly snacking is not great for our blood sugar - a well balanced meal with adequate protein and fats should keep you satisfied for at least 3-4 hours.


Adequate protein and fats are especially important for womens hormones which regulate ovulation (a key indicator of health, and super important whether you want to have children or not), mood and weight.  During their reproductive years, women on a plant based diet will likely find it hard to sustain optimal iron levels long term without supplementing.

From my own experience and the many books and research articles I've read, I believe we need some amount of animal foods in our diet for optimal long term health.  This is human nature and how our bodies are designed to function well.  Of course most people could do with eating more veggies and a MOSTLY vegetable based diet is great, but a small amount of traditionally farmed products from healthy animals are also required.   Of course living responsibly and treading lightly on our environment are also important and you can still do this while consuming some sustainably raised animal products.


The foods we eat everyday have a huge impact on our health and wellbeing, and has to be considered in any health issue.  If you feel it might be time to add some animal products back into your diet, just start small with whatever you feel comfortable with and listen to any cravings you are experiencing. 

Everyone is metabolically different and many feel great on a vegan diet for different amounts of time - this is why it's so important to listen to how you are feeling to work out the right food choices for YOU.  Try not to be caught up in sticking 100% to a particular way of eating if it doesn't suit you - the only diet and lifestyle you should be sticking to is the one that makes YOU feel great!

If you'd like to check your blood levels or work on any health concerns I'd love to help you.



Marion McConnell is a degree qualified Naturopath who helps women with stress, hormone imbalances, anxiety and fatigue.  The clinic is located in New Farm Brisbane, and consultations are also available via Skype.  You can contact Marion here.

PLEASE NOTE - This article isn't intended to offend anyone or start an argument - it's to help make you aware of possible deficiencies so you can treat or prevent them, and encourage everyone to take notice of how they feel and not ignore any signs your body is giving you. 


Trouble Losing Weight?

Are you trying all you know to lose weight without results?

This can be a frustratingly common experience for women and may be caused by a number of imbalances in the body.  Here are the top 5 imbalances I see in clinic which prevent weight loss -



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Yes you could have an under-active thyroid even if your blood tests are 'fine'.  We can test your 3 thyroid hormones and make sure your levels are optimal - not just within range.  Due to Medicare restrictions, GP's normally only test 1 thyroid hormone (TSH), but this alone can't give you a clear picture of thyroid function.  Checking your T4 and T3 will show if you are producing and converting enough thyroid hormones to support healthy metabolism.  Other symptoms of an under-active thyroid include fatigue, brain fog, low mood, constipation, hair loss and dry skin.



When you are in an ongoing state of stress, as many women are, you produce more cortisol.  Some cortisol is a good thing, but constant cortisol day after day impairs your metabolism, as your body wants to conserve body stores to deal with the perceived threat.  Cortisol can contribute to more weight around the middle.  Helping to calm your nervous system and reduce cortisol is one of the most important things you can do for your weight and overall health, as excess cortisol has damaging effects all over your body, and can particularly impact other hormone levels.  Ensuring quality sleep is super important for giving your nervous system a chance to rest and recover each day, along with working on other daily stress management - gentle to moderate exercise, spending time in nature, meditation, music or anything that helps you feel calm.


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This imbalance can develop over time from multiple factors including the pill, stress, chemicals and a low fat diet.  Increased weight on the upper arms, chest, hips and thighs is more common with this imbalance.  Many other symptoms can indicate this type of imbalance such as painful or heavy periods, irregular periods, infertility, fibroids, fluid retention, anxiety and moodiness.  A saliva hormone test is a great way to assess your levels and work on restoring balance.



A low calorie or low fat diet will encourage your body to hold onto weight as it perceives a shortage of food and nourishment.  Consuming enough protein and healthy fats will keep your blood sugar and energy more stable, keep you full for longer, support hormone production and support weight regulation.  

Too many refined grains and sugars in the diet will contribute to increased insulin - another hormone which can impact weight regulation.  

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Focus on 2-3 serves of protein, quality fats and a variety of vegetables as the main components of your diet.  Moderate amounts of whole grains can be beneficial - take notice of how these make you feel to work out the amount that's right for you.  However we don't need 9-11 serves as some dietary guidelines suggest!  

I encourage you to not count calories - just focus on eating whole foods and count nutrients if anything!




Our gut bacteria play a huge role in our health including weight regulation.  We are actually around 10 times more bacteria than human cells and the essential role they play in our health continues to be discovered.  Our bacteria balance is impacted every day from antibiotics, reflux medication, pain medication, processed foods, sugar, alcohol, stress and chemicals including chlorine in tap water.  Probiotics and fermented vegetables can be a great way to support your gut bacteria - however if these cause issues you may have a bacterial overgrowth that needs to be treated first.

Similar influences that impact our bacteria balance can also impact our liver function and levels of inflammation in our body which can also inhibit weight loss.  Underlying inflammation is now being linked to many symptoms and disease states including depression, dementia, obesity, diabetes and auto-immune conditions.


For easy weight regulation our body needs to be in a happy balance - particularly our nervous system, digestion and hormones.  If weight loss is a struggle for you, I'd love to help you work out any underlying reasons and help you reach your ideal weight.



Marion McConnell is a degree qualified Naturopath who helps women with stress, hormone imbalances, anxiety and fatigue.  The clinic is located in New Farm Brisbane, and consultations are also available via Skype.  You can contact Marion here.

Top 5 Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

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Hair loss is a surprisingly common symptom reported by women in clinic, and can understandably cause much distress.  While some hair loss is normal, if you feel you are losing extra hair or have noticed your hair has become thinner, there are a few underlying factors which may be contributing.



Low levels of iron or iron stores (ferritin) are very common in women, and may be relevant to you if you have also been feeling fatigued and have lowered immunity.  While the specific way iron causes hair loss is not well established, it has been shown to be deficient in women with hair loss, and I have seen improvements in hair growth when iron levels are improved.  You can read more about iron here.



Many women have under-active thyroid function, and just having your TSH tested with your GP does not rule out thyroid issues.  While your TSH could be in range, your other thyroid hormones (T3 & T4) could be less than ideal.  Your thyroid influences many processes in your body including metabolism and how you build up and break down cells (anabolism and catabolism) - including hair cells!  It's thought that thyroid hormones have an influence on the hair follicles and subsequent growth cycles.  Low iodine, low iron, stress and chemicals can all impact thyroid function over time.  While low thyroid function is more commonly seen, increased thyroid function can also result in hair loss - again demonstrating how our bodies like to be in balance!


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Low zinc levels may also contribute to hair loss.  Zinc is essential in many different processes throughout the body, and due to soil depletion of minerals, there is less of this vital mineral in our foods.  Vegetarians or those consuming lots of grains and legumes may  be more at risk of deficiency - as plant compounds in these foods (phytic acid and lectins) can bind to and reduce zinc absorption.  Other signs of zinc deficiency include increased infections, poor skin healing and white spots on nails.



Excess or low cortisol can impact hair growth and loss.  Excess cortisol is produced during more acute stress, while low cortisol can occur after chronic stress - resulting in adrenal fatigue.  Cortisol also impairs thyroid function and can contribute to other hormonal imbalances.  Stress management is one of the most important tings we can practice daily to support our hair and total body health!  A saliva test with multiple samples over one day can give you the best view of your cortisol pattern - which should be high in the morning and low at night. 



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Low progesterone is a common finding in clinic which can underly hair loss and changes in mood.  An imbalance between estrogens, progesterone and testosterone can create a range of symptoms from painful periods, increased PMS, weight gain and hair loss.  These imbalances can develop over time from stress, medications, chemicals and a poor diet.  Using a saliva test is the best way to assess your hormone levels and work on correcting any imbalances.

**NOTE - Excess hair growth can also be contributed to hormone imbalances, most commonly excess testosterone and insulin resistance.  This type of imbalance is common in PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome).


If you'd like to investigate the reasons you are losing hair, I'd love to help you find the cause.


Marion McConnell is a degree qualified Naturopath who helps women with stress, hormone imbalances, anxiety and fatigue.  The clinic is located in New Farm Brisbane, and consultations are also available via Skype.  You can contact Marion here.

Why Am I So Moody?!


Do you find PMS is lasting longer than it used to?

Are your moods more erratic or intense?

Are you feeling more flat, anxious or overwhelmed?


Changes in mood can be one of the major symptoms experienced by women who present with health concerns in clinic.  While a hormonal imbalance may be underlying our moods, there can also be other factors involved.

Low Progesterone (especially in relation to estrogen) is a common finding in women who are experiencing increased moodiness or low mood.  This imbalance can develop over time from multiple influences, especially ongoing stress and use of the pill.

Thyroid function is also impaired by stress and also plays a vital role in mood regulation.  If you've only had your TSH tested (this is what's usually tested by GP's), it's ideal to also get T3 and T4 tested with a Naturopath to really assess how well you are producing and activating your thyroid hormones.  The TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) can still look 'normal', even if the T3 and T4 are less than ideal.


Iron and B12 are also commonly low in clients.  These nutrients are important for mood and energy, and there's an increased chance of having insufficient levels if you are vegetarian or have digestive issues which can impair absorption.

Vitamin D deficiency has also been linked to low mood and energy.  This is another important one you can get checked through your Naturopath, as Medicare no longer routinely covers this test for GP's, and many Australians are deficient.  This would be one of my most important nutrients to get checked as it also plays a huge role in our immunity and disease protection. Optimal levels are over 100 pmol/L.

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Bacteria balance and our gut function is also strongly linked to our mood and mental health - known as the Gut-Brain Axis.  A large number of our neurotransmitters, which influence our mood, are produced in our digestive tract.  If there is an imbalance in bacteria, an overgrowth of yeast, parasites or ongoing infection or inflammation - our gut environment and subsequent impact on our mood will be less than ideal!


Inflammation in our bodies and brain has been associated with depression and mood disorders.  Our diet and lifestyles strongly influence the level of inflammation in our bodies.  Stress, sugars, processed foods, trans fats, chemicals, excess refined grain products and alcohol can all contribute to inflammation.

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Quality fats, protein, vegetables and filtered water to support our brain function, and neurotransmitter and hormone production.  If the diet is lacking these nutrients our bodies and mind will be unable to operate optimally.



If moodiness is a symptom you'd like to address, I'd love to help you discover which of these underlying imbalances are relevant to you.



Marion McConnell is a degree qualified Naturopath who helps women with stress, hormone imbalances, anxiety and fatigue.  The clinic is located in New Farm Brisbane, and consultations are also available via Skype.  You can contact Marion here.

Have You Had Your Iron Checked?


While iron is important for men and women, it is especially important for women as we are losing iron every month during our reproductive years!  Iron requirements are also increased during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and low levels are associated with increased risk of infection and low birth weight.  Teenage females also require more as they are going through extra growth and have started menstruating.

Low iron is one of the most common deficiencies I see in clinic.  Are you experiencing any of these symptoms?

  • Fatigue

  • Dizziness

  • Poor memory or concentration

  • Hair loss

  • Shortness of breath

  • Infections / Poor immunity

  • Ridged or brittle nails

  • Pale skin, lower eyelids and poor capillary refill

  • Low mood

  • Restless legs



Iron is essential for transporting oxygen around our bodies, supports muscle function and is also involved in producing energy.  Our immunity relies on iron to function optimally as does our ability to convert thyroid hormones to the active form. 



Reasons your iron may be low include - 

  • Heavy periods (possibly caused by a hormonal imbalance)

  • Pregnancy and/or breastfeeding

  • Eating minimal or no red meat

  • Vegetarian or vegan diet

  • Digestive issues, gluten intolerance, IBS, polyps etc which reduce your ability to absorb iron

  • Antacid use or low stomach acid production

  • High intake of flour, grains and legumes, coffee, tea or wine. These contain phytates or polyphenols which can bind and inhibit iron absorption

  • Underlying infection, inflammation or bleeding

  • Regular blood donation

  • Worm or parasites which can cause gastrointestinal bleeding

  • Heavy metal toxicity, especially lead, or high copper levels (commonly related to low zinc)



An iron studies blood test will show you levels of your blood iron and also your iron stores (ferritin).  Ideally your blood level should be over 15 umol/L while ferritin should be over 100 ug/L.  Ferritin can be falsely increased if there is inflammation or infection present, and recent dietary intake can impact test results, so it’s best to do a fasting blood test.

If you have had blood tests that are ‘fine’ but you don’t feel ‘fine’, please see a Naturopath who can give you ideal levels to aim for, rather than just being in the test range which is quite large.  Many women have been told their results are fine, even though they are right at the low end of the range, which is definitely not ideal for feeling great! 

It’s also good to take into account your hemaglobin and red blood cell levels, as these will also decrease with insufficient iron.  



HEME – animal meat (containing hemaglobin)                                               15-35% absorbed

NON HEME – plant foods (vegetables, spinach, legumes, nuts)                  2-20% absorbed


Non Heme iron is impacted more by other foods in the diet, such as phytic acid (flours, grains, legumes, nuts, seeds) and polyphenols (black tea, coffee, wine) which inhibit absorption. 

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Including both types of iron and eating foods away from coffee/black tea/wine as much as possible, and sprouting/fermenting/soaking grains, legumes and nuts to reduce phytic acid, will help you to support optimal iron absorption.   Consuming vitamin C foods such as citrus, capsicum and broccoli can also help increase non heme iron absorption.

Having not eaten red meat for many years, I’m currently having this dilemma – trying to include some meat again or having to take a supplement indefinitely!  I believe it’s best to get as much nutrition as possible from quality foods, as it’s the combination of all the nutrients, and probably other compounds that we aren’t even aware of yet, that make food superior to supplements, which are usually synthetic compounds.  

However, quality supplements do have a place and are a great way to help increase low levels.  It’s good to get your levels checked once or twice a year if you are prone to having low iron, or if you’re supplementing – just to check the supplements are helping and to check you still need supplements, as too much iron is not ideal either! 

Getting your levels checked is also a great way to determine if you are including enough iron in your diet, as the ideal amount to include will vary between women.

Many pharmacy iron supplements can cause constipation and nausea, and are not the most absorbable forms of iron, so it’s best to ask your Naturopath for a good quality supplement.  It’s best to take iron away from other minerals such as zinc, and to take on an empty stomach if tolerated. Good quality iron supplements will also contain vitamin C to help improve absorption.

If you would like to have your iron tested and assess any other areas of your health, I'd love to help you. 


Marion McConnell is a degree qualified Naturopath who helps women with stress, hormone imbalances, anxiety and fatigue.  The clinic is located in New Farm Brisbane, and consultations are also available via Skype.  You can contact Marion here.







How To Reduce The Effects Of EMFs On Your Hormones

Although we can't see electromagnetic fields (EMFs) they are impacting our hormones and health everyday.  As our environment continues to include an increasing number of electronic devices and technology, most of us are now exposed to EMFs continuously and from a younger age.

For many years there has been knowledge of a link between EMFs and certain cancers - particularly childhood leukaemia and brain cancer in relation to the proximity of electronic sources such as transformers, and regularity of mobile phone use.


There have also been links between infertility, miscarriage, reduced sperm count and thyroid dysfunction in regards to how EMFs impact our hormones.  Melatonin may also be reduced which can impact our ability to sleep.  Other people report mental health issues and fatigue.  

Whether we can feel the impact of EMFs, they affect our cells structure and function, may damage DNA and increase oxidative stress, resulting in abnormalities and an environment for disease to progress.

France has reduced wireless devices in schools as they are taking heed of the health ramifications of EMFs, for which children are particularly susceptible.  For the first time there are now generations being constantly exposed to EMFs from before birth.

Studies are conflicting and limited on humans, and there are many vested interests involved in regards to the dangers of EMF exposure, but I would rather err on the side of caution if something could seriously impact my health and quality of life.  While short term studies may show limited health effects, it is the cumulative effect of ongoing exposure which needs to be studied further.  


EMFs are rated as a possible carcinogen by the International Agency For Research On Cancer (IARC), which is enough of a risk for me to want to limit my exposure.  And I also just feel yuck if I've spent a long time on or around devices - have you noticed this too?

Technology will always be a part of our lives but we can reduce our exposure and risk.  Here are some simple tips

  • Distance yourself from the source of EMFs such as wifi routers - especially if they are near where you spend a lot of time or where you sleep. Baby monitors and cordless phones are other common sources in homes.

  • Turn off wi-fi at night - you can purchase an outlet timer to make this automatic.

  • Keep your bedroom technology free.

  • Switch your phone to airplane mode as much as possible.

  • Avoid keeping your phone in your pocket or using a laptop in your lap!

  • Use speaker on your phone and avoid bluetooth.

  • Take notice of how you feel after being around electronic and wireless devices.

  • You can also organise testing at your home or office to measure the amount of EMFs and work on ways to reduce your exposure. Check out Building Biology for more info.



You can learn more about easing anxiety in my Calming Anxiety Ebook.

If you’d like to work with me, you can find out more HERE

Or Sign up for my Freebie - 5 Tips To Ease Anxiety. 

When Exercise Can Prevent Weight Loss

If you're like many women trying to lose weight, you might be forcing yourself to do more exercise and/or more intense exercise.  While exercise has so many health benefits from increasing energy, reducing stress and improving mood, more is not always better! 

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Like many women you may also be highly stressed and this is when more intense exercise could actually be inhibiting your ability to lose weight!  When your body is emotionally or physically stressed, your stress hormones (cortisol and adrenaline) are increased.  This stressed state encourages your body to hold onto weight, particularly around the belly, and impacts other hormones such as leptin and ghrelin which influence your appetite and metabolism.  

Stress hormones are given first preference and are produced at the detriment of other hormones - such as progesterone and thyroid hormones, which are also crucial for weight regulation.  This is why ongoing stress can be so detrimental to our bodies and why stress management may be one of the most important things to work on for lasting weight loss.  Our body and hormones like to be in a happy balance and stress really throws everything out of balance!


Intense or prolonged exercise can act as another stress on your body and make an already stressed exhausted woman even more so.  If your body is in a stressed state your nervous system is on overdrive and requires more gentle and calming exercise to help reduce those stress hormones and improve weight loss.  


Walking in nature, yoga, bike riding and dancing may be more suited to you rather than exhausting yourself with long runs, cross fit and intense gym sessions!

Once your body is in a less stressed state you could try some HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) which involves alternating bursts of high intensity exercise and rest over 20-30 minutes.  This type of training has been shown to be more effective than longer workouts for weight loss.  A mix of cardio, weights/resistance and more gentle exercise is great for overall health, along with eating a whole foods diet with adequate protein, healthy fats and a variety of vegetables.  


What you choose to eat will have the greatest impact on weight - and NO you don't have to count calories, just choose real unprocessed foods!

Always remember to listen to how you're feeling and adjust your exercise to suit.  We are all different and our own needs can change over time and also depend on what else we have going on in our lives.

If exercise is leaving you even more drained and exhausted it might not be the best type of exercise for you - so try out some other options and take notice of how they make you feel.  


Even starting with 1 session or class per week is great if that's all you can manage for now.  Once you notice improvements from this and enjoy it, you will naturally add in more to your week.  Going to a class, working with a PT or exercising with a friend can all help to improve your commitment and enjoyment - along with finding something you actually enjoy doing!  

Also don't forget to schedule exercise into your diary until it becomes a habit - make it and your health a priority as you would other commitments! 

If you would like more personalised support in reaching your weight loss goals and restoring hormone balance I'd love to help you in clinic or via Skype.


Marion McConnell is a degree qualified Naturopath who helps women with stress, hormone imbalances and thyroid issues.  The clinic is located in New Farm Brisbane, and consultations are also available via Skype.  You can contact Marion here.

Top 5 Foods For Happy Hormones

Hormones play a huge role in women's health and are used in the body to send messages and instructions to different tissues and organs.  Some of our major hormones include

  • Progesterone, Estrogens and Testosterone

  • Thyroid Hormones

  • Cortisol and Adrenaline

  • Insulin, Ghrelin and Leptin

These hormones influence many aspects of our health including

  • Menstruation

  • Fertility

  • Energy

  • Moods

  • Weight Regulation

Our bodies love to be in balance or homeostasis and our hormones are no different.  When a hormone imbalance develops over time, this can lead to symptoms and disease.


The top 5 foods to support happy and balanced hormones are -


QUALITY FATS - such as olive and coconut oil (cold pressed), olives, coconut products, avocados and butter from grass fed cows.  Hormones are made from cholesterol and other lipids (fats) - which is one huge reason why low fat diets are a terrible idea for women!  

Although we have been told fats are bad for us for decades, the right fats are essential for optimal health - on both the inside and out!  Adding fats to your food helps you to absorb certain vitamins and minerals, helps to keep you full for longer, provides energy and supports youthful skin.  Processed vegetable oils in plastic packaging are the damaging fats you will want to avoid.

QUALITY PROTEIN - eggs from true free range chickens, wild fish, grass fed meats and poultry, legumes/nuts/seeds (if tolerated - cooked/soaked for easier digestion).  Most of these proteins will also include some fats, and help to build hormones.

FOODS TO SUPPORT GUT HEALTH - include a variety of colourful vegetables (spray free when possible) which contain fibre, slippery elm powder, chia seeds, flaxseed meal, hemp seeds/meal, prebiotics such as artichoke, asparagus, onions/leeks and garlic, and fermented vegetables (if tolerated).  Your digestive system helps to bind and eliminate excess hormones and ensures optimal absorption of nutrients for hormone production and use. 


FOODS TO SUPPORT YOUR LIVER - cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale and brussels sprout.  These contain I-3-C (Indole 3 carbinol), a compound which helps to reduce excess estrogens and support hormone metabolism, for which the liver plays a large role.  Onions, garlic, rosemary and turmeric are also great for liver support.  

(Avoid eating a lot of raw cruciferous vegetables if you have an underactive thyroid).

SEAWEEDS - contain iodine and other minerals which are essential for hormones and tend to be lacking in many diets.  Seaweeds can easily be added to foods while cooking, or sprinkled on top or meals.

Two of the major foods to avoid or minimise are sugars and soy.  Some fermented organic soy products such as tempeh, miso and tamari are ok for most women, but too much soy in general can affect estrogen levels. Sugar increases your need for insulin, and constant intake will increase your risk of diabetes (and the many complications that come with that), increase weight and contribute to other hormonal imbalances.

Keep it simple by filling up on a variety of colourful vegetables (spray free when possible) and add enough fats and protein to keep you satisfied for a few hours.  This can differ between women and at different times in your life - so always take notice of how your body is feeling and what foods help you to feel your best.

If you have a significant hormone imbalance supplements can help to correct this, and then you can maintain hormone balance through diet and lifestyle. I would love to help you get your hormones back into balance so you can feel your best!



Marion McConnell is a degree qualified Naturopath who helps women with stress, hormone imbalances and thyroid issues.  The clinic is located in New Farm Brisbane, and consultations are also available via Skype.  You can contact Marion here.

Why you should throw away your scales for weight loss!


Scales encourage you to put all your self worth into 1 number, and more often than not this creates feelings of self-loathing and hopelessness!  How you feel for the rest of the day hangs on that 1 number - and sometimes that can be a temporary high if it's the number you're hoping for, but more often than not it only creates negative feelings!

This 1 number can be super misleading and unreliable, which is why I encourage women to not use it as their sole marker of success, or even better to just throw their scales out!

You may have been trying really hard and feel you've lost weight, but if the scales say otherwise it can totally derail you!  The big problem is that your body shape and size can be changing significantly, while the number on the scale can remain unchanged or even go up! 

Our weight can also fluctuate depending on hydration, water retention, hormonal changes and other factors which differ from day to day.


Taking notice of how your clothes are fitting and how you're feeling energetically and mentally is a much more accurate way to track your progress - rather than letting 1 number dictate how you feel about yourself.  You can also use waist and hip measurements, or take photos every 2-4 weeks to track changes.

With any weight loss effort there may also need to be changes in mindset to make the weight loss sustainable.  Do you believe you're worthy of achieving your ideal weight?  Are you self-sabotaging your efforts and/or not dealing with underlying emotional issues?  

I'm not an expert in this area, but I do know that just working on self-compassion and coming from a place of love and kindness can have a huge impact on making lasting changes - and it makes the whole process much more enjoyable!  Are you exercising to punish yourself or to celebrate what your body can do and because it feels good?!  The same can be applied to the foods you're choosing to put in your mouth.

If you're struggling with weight loss there may also be other contributing factors such as hormonal imbalances, thyroid issues or excess cortisol production.  These are all factors that a qualified Naturopath can help you investigate and resolve.

If you've been addicted to using scales and it hasn't gotten you far or made you feel good about yourself, why not give life a try without them?!  

You are much more than a number! 



Marion McConnell is a degree qualified Naturopath who helps women with stress, hormone imbalances, thyroid issues and weight loss.  The clinic is located in New Farm Brisbane, and consultations are also available via Skype.  You can contact Marion here.

Top 7 Causes Of Fatigue - Part 2

Top Causes Of Fatigue - Part 2



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Many factors in our lives can impact our hormone levels including stress, chemicals, plastics, diet and medications.  Our hormones like to be in a happy balance so when this balance is disrupted we can experience a range of reproductive and other body symptoms including fatigue.

Low progesterone, high estrogen or low testosterone are the most common imbalances I see which contribute to fatigue.  We can assess your levels through a salivary hormone test which shows the levels of these hormones including the three types of estrogen.  Testing will help to ensure treatment is specific to your particular hormone imbalance which will result in quicker symptom improvement.



Methylation Cycle

Methylation is a process which is involved in many essential areas of health including energy production, mental health and reproduction.  A genetic mutation can reduce your ability to activate and utilise folate, and thereby reduce the efficiency of this methylation cycle (by 30-70%!) and contribute to fatigue and many other health issues.  This gene mutation affects the enzyme MTHFR (for short!) and reports estimate 1 in 3 of us may have this defect.  This means taking certain forms of folate - such as folic acid in supplements and consuming foods fortified with folic acid are not a good idea for everyone!  

A simple salivary test can detect if you have a defect in the 2 most common and researched gene variants.  However even if the test comes back negative, you could still have impaired methylation due to other reasons.  This is why it is important to work with a qualified Naturopath or Nutritionist in this area, and utilise other blood tests to assess other markers of methylation efficiency.  There is more involved than just taking an activated folate supplement!



If you rely on sugars and flour products (and caffeine!) for quick energy, or these make up the majority of your diet, it's likely you will have blood sugar regulation issues which will contribute to fatigue.  This will be experienced as short bursts of energy followed by energy slumps or crashes. This pattern usually continues in an unfortunate cycle - however you can make simple changes to stop it!

Eating adequate fat and protein at each meal will keep your energy more stable for longer and keep you full for longer, as there will be less of an impact on your blood sugar and insulin levels.  


Include good quality fats such as olive, macadamia, avocado and coconut oils, grass fed butter/ghee/eggs/meat, local wild fish, avocado and some nuts and seeds.  

Don't forget to include a variety of organic vegetables too - you can fill up on these instead of bread!

A guide to daily protein is 0.8g per kg of ideal body weight.  So 0.8 x 70kg = 56g of protein per day, spread over 2-3 meals.  Of course this is only a guide and recommendations can vary depending on your activity level, health issues or if you're pregnant or breastfeeding.



Many women are intolerant to certain foods even if they don't have a diagnosed allergy.  The most common are

  • Gluten in Wheat, Barley, Rye
  • Casein and/or Lactose in Dairy
  • Soy
  • Eggs
  • Peanuts or Tree Nuts
  • Shellfish
  • Corn

We can also be intolerant to natural plant chemicals in 'healthy' foods such as

  • Oxalates (spinach, kale, nuts, soy)
  • Histamines (fermented foods, aged cheese, wine, avocado)
  • Salicylates (tomato, zucchini, blueberries, almonds)

Food intolerances may produce digestive symptoms or may present in other ways such as fatigue, headaches and irritability.


There are blood tests which test different panels of foods however it is not always completely accurate and will only pick up an intolerance if the tested foods have been consumed recently.  Working with your Naturopath and eliminating foods for certain periods of time can be another option to figure out the foods you feel best on.


Food intolerances can improve once gut health has been improved, so you may not have to avoid these foods forever.


If you would like to get to the bottom of your fatigue and improve your energy in 2018, book your consultation today! 



Marion McConnell is a degree qualified Naturopath who helps women with stress, hormone imbalances and thyroid issues.  The clinic is located in New Farm Brisbane, and consultations are also available via Skype.  You can contact Marion here.

Still Tired Even After A Holiday?



Are you feeling refreshed and full of energy for the new year?  If not there's likely an underlying reason!  Fatigue is a very common symptom for the women I see in clinic - here are the top 7 causes and the tests we use to figure out which one is relevant to you.



These can be some of the quickest to notice improvements in energy levels with the right supplement.  However it's also our job to figure out why you developed this deficiency - is your digestive function impaired, are you lacking certain nutrients in your diet, are your periods excessively heavy?

The most common deficiencies I see in regards to fatigue are

  • Low Iron and/or Ferritin (iron stores)

  • Low B12

  • Low Vitamin D

A simple blood test can help us assess your levels and determine the best dosage and supplement.




Even if your GP has said your thyroid is fine - just being in the test range does not mean your levels are ideal or optimal!  You can have an under-active thyroid which affects the amount of thyroid hormone (T4) produced and/or the amount converted to the active form (T3).  This can be happening without having 'diagnosable' hypothyroidism.  

An under-active thyroid is especially common in women who have ongoing stress - as stress really impacts thyroid function.  Weight gain, poor cognition, dry skin, constipation, hair loss and high cholesterol are other common symptoms of an under-active thyroid.

A simple blood test from your Naturopath which tests the 3 thyroid hormones (TSH, T4 and T3) is essential, to give a total picture of how your thyroid is functioning.  Due to medicare, GP's usually only test TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) - which alone doesn't tell us enough about your thyroid hormone production and conversion to active T3.



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Women today are pushing themselves more and more - and burning themselves out in the process.  We all have a tipping point and can handle stress for a certain time before our body starts to seriously malfunction and fatigue.  Your adrenal glands produce cortisol (and other hormones) in response to any type of stress - and while some cortisol in short bursts is fine, many of us have high cortisol 24/7!  Eventually your adrenals cannot keep up with demand and your cortisol production will fall, or your regular cortisol pattern over the day will become dysregulated.  This will mean your cortisol and energy will be higher at night, instead of in the morning, which can then contribute to sleep issues, further exacerbating fatigue.

We use a saliva cortisol test which measures 4 or 6 samples over one day to assess your levels and 24hr pattern.  Depending on the extent of your adrenal fatigue it can take months to recover from, so don't ignore the hints your body is giving you!


Keep an eye out for part 2 coming next week....


If you would like help getting to the bottom of your fatigue and improve your energy for 2018, book your consultation today!




Marion McConnell is a degree qualified Naturopath who helps women with stress, hormone imbalances and thyroid issues.  The clinic is located in New Farm Brisbane, and consultations are also available via Skype.  You can contact Marion here.

Thyroid Symptoms In Women

The most common thyroid symptoms in women

Hormone imbalance? Here are the best ways to test!

The best ways to test hormones