
Endometriosis Treatment

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If you've been diagnosed with Endometriosis or experience painful periods you can find relief with the right treatment!  An imbalance in hormones, immunity and inflammation are all possible contributors to the painful symptoms, and fortunately there are natural treatments that can improve these underlying imbalances and your symptoms.  

If you have been prescribed the Pill or Mirena for period pain, unfortunately these will not be resolving the underlying issues.  While they have a place in the short term and can help reduce pain, using other tools to resolve the underlying imbalances will offer you true long term relief from pain.

Here are my top three pointers for addressing Endometriosis - 



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Research indicates that Endometriosis may be an auto-immune condition, and if so this changes the treatment approach to rebalancing a haywire immune system rather than just looking at hormone levels.  A huge part of our immune system resides in our digestive tract, in particular our gut bacteria and the integrity or strength of our gut lining.  In auto-immune conditions the gut lining has become impaired or 'leaky', allowing substances to pass from our digestive tract to our bloodstream that normally wouldn't get through, and this sets off an immune response.

Auto-immune conditions can impact different body parts - such as Rheumatoid Arthitis (joints), Hashimotos (thyroid) or Multiple Sclerosis (nervous system), however they all have the same underlying issue - an immune system that has gone haywire.  These auto-immune conditions and leaky gut can develop over time from multiple factors including stress, antibiotics, antibacterial products, processed foods, sugars, alcohol and pesticides on food.

There are specific herbs and nutrients which can help improve gut integrity in addition to reducing or eliminating the above influences.  Glutamine, zinc carnosine, licorice, aloe vera, turmeric, slippery elm along with vitamin A and D are all important for gut integrity.  Including broths, slow cooked meals and fermented vegetables can also support gut health.  It's best to start slow if introducing fermented foods and if they upset your digestive system you may need to work on improving your gut health with a practitioner first.




This amazing spice has many researched health properties which explain why it can significantly help with Endometriosis symptoms.  Turmeric can help reduce the inflammation, oxidation and cell proliferation involved in Endometriosis, along with supporting or moderating the immune system.  

If there are elevated levels of estrogens, turmeric may also help reduce these and support liver detox which is how your body removes excess hormones.  Look for a good quality supplement with either black pepper or with turmeric as a phospholipid/fat form for optimal absorption - Curcumin is the active component of Turmeric.  Some supplements also contain Boswellia or Ginger which are also great anti-inflammatory herbs and can also help reduce period pain.



Many women may develop hormonal imbalances over time especially in our modern stressful and chemical laden environments!  An imbalance between progesterone and estrogens can contribute to painful periods and Endometriosis.  Ongoing stress has a huge impact on other hormone levels, while chemicals in body care and plastics are known to disrupt hormone balance.  Use of the Pill can also contribute to hormonal imbalances.

Hormone levels can be assessed through saliva testing by a Naturopath and it is possible to return your hormones to a happy balance through supplements, dietary and lifestyle changes.  

One of the most effective supplements at improving estrogen levels is DIM or I-3-C for short - this compound is derived from broccoli and helps to metabolise and reduce excess estrogen.  Working on stress management and using herbs such as Rehmannia and Withania can help support your adrenals and reduce the impact of stress on your body and other hormones. Vitex or Chaste Tree can be helpful when progesterone is low.


You can also support your liver and digestive system to metabolise and remove excess hormones by including adequate quality protein, fats and a variety of vegetables and herbs - especially cruciferous (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussel sprouts), garlic, onion, ginger, rosemary and turmeric.


If you suffer from painful periods or Endometriosis I'd love to help you address the underlying causes and find relief from pain.



Marion McConnell is a degree qualified Naturopath who helps women with stress, hormone imbalances, anxiety and fatigue.  The clinic is located in New Farm Brisbane, and consultations are also available via Skype.  You can contact Marion here.

The Dangers Of A Low-Fat Diet


Especially for women, the dangers of a low-fat diet can be extensive!  The right type of fats have an essential role in optimal hormone production, mental health and weight regulation. 

Fat has always been a highly valued component of traditional diets.  However it was the introduction of food processing and finding cheaper fats for food production that influenced the fat education we received.  The food industry has influences over government guidelines - which means we are not always being sold the best information for our health.  

Biased research results from Ancel Keys in the 50's that 'linked' saturated fat intake and cardiovascular disease risk, started the message that many people still are being told today - that all saturated fats are bad, we should eat a low-fat diet and vegetable oils are good.  However this is far from the truth and was not supported from the other countries studied which were left out of Ancel Key's results, and from many studies since.

While some vegetable oils are great, such as cold pressed olive oil, the processing of most vegetable oils and spreads leaves them rancid and devoid of any nutrition or health promoting properties!  They are actually more likely to cause oxidation and damage to your body. 


Consuming unprocessed fats, including some animal and other saturated fats are essential for optimal health.  They are needed by every cell in your body - the membrane of each cell needs these fats for proper structure and function.  If your body isn't working well at a cellular level, it can not work well at an organ or system level and your body will be more likely moving toward a disease state.  

Many hormones and Vitamin D require fats, including cholesterol, to be produced.  Our hormones help control many important processes in our body from fertility, energy, metabolism, immunity, sleep and mood.  The right fats also support digestive and skin health.

Fats keep you fuller and satisfied for longer, can be used for energy and help you absorb nutrients from your food - so always use homemade dressing, olive oil or grass fed butter on your veggies and salad!  The right fats also make your food taste amazing! 


It can take time to embrace fats and change your mindset after being told for decades that fats are bad - but it's time to start seeing some fats as your nourishing friend!  Start adding fats to every snack and meal, and take notice of the amount that feels good for you.  If you're eating enough fats and protein at your meals you should not get hungry again for at least 3-4 hours. 

There is much outdated science still being used today, that states fat will make you fat!  The right types of fat will help regulate your weight and help you feel more satisfied after eating.  There are many studies showing that it's the refined grains and sugars that contribute to increased inflammation, weight gain, ageing, mood disorders and risk of disease.  Low fat products are commonly higher in sugars.  

Cholesterol has also been vilified, however it is primarily produced in your liver and is actually used as an antioxidant and is increased in your body to help repair damage.  An under functioning thyroid can also cause cholesterol levels to increase.  So no, you don't have to worry about eating egg yolks - that's the most nutrient dense part!  (Look for pasture raised chicken eggs for the healthiest eggs).  There are many studies also showing that those with the LOWEST cholesterol levels have an INCREASED risk of disease and mortality.

Fats are damaged by heat, light, processing and oxygen, so look for oils in dark glass jars.  Cold pressed and extra virgin olive oils are the least processed.  Saturated fats such as coconut oil, butter and ghee are more stable to the above elements, however it's still good to buy fats in glass over plastic, as chemicals from plastic can leach into the fat.  Cooking low and slow is less damaging to fats.  


Different fats also contain extra beneficial nutrients.  Grass fed butter and ghee contain Vitamins A, D, E and K along with butyric acid which supports colon cells and digestive health.  There is minimal lactose in butter and ghee, so even if you are lactose intolerant you can likely tolerate some of these.  Coconut oil contains lauric acid which acts as a natural anti-microbial against infections.  Olive oil contains vitamin E which acts as an antioxidant in our bodies - helping protect us from the damaging toxins we're exposed to everyday.  Egg yolks contain choline which is essential for our brain and nervous system function.

Most fats contain a range of fatty acids - you've probably heard of omega-3 and omega-6.  Our diets used to be higher in omega-3's but the current western diet is now much higher in omega-6's from vegetable oils, nuts, seeds and grains, which contributes to more inflammation in your body.  The way animals are raised impacts the fatty acid ratio - so grain fed meat will be higher in omega-6, whereas pasture raised animals will have more omega-3.   Underlying inflammation in the body is linked to many diseases and symptoms from depression, dementia, painful periods, auto-immune conditions and more.

Starving your body of vital fats can contribute to many symptoms such as low mood, hormonal imbalances, poor weight regulation, dry skin and lowered immunity.  Make sure you're supporting your health by including high quality fats every day.

You can download a quick guide to choosing the right fats here!





Marion McConnell is a degree qualified Naturopath who helps women with stress, hormone imbalances, anxiety and fatigue.  The clinic is located in New Farm Brisbane, and consultations are also available via Skype.  You can contact Marion here.

Trouble Losing Weight?

Are you trying all you know to lose weight without results?

This can be a frustratingly common experience for women and may be caused by a number of imbalances in the body.  Here are the top 5 imbalances I see in clinic which prevent weight loss -



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Yes you could have an under-active thyroid even if your blood tests are 'fine'.  We can test your 3 thyroid hormones and make sure your levels are optimal - not just within range.  Due to Medicare restrictions, GP's normally only test 1 thyroid hormone (TSH), but this alone can't give you a clear picture of thyroid function.  Checking your T4 and T3 will show if you are producing and converting enough thyroid hormones to support healthy metabolism.  Other symptoms of an under-active thyroid include fatigue, brain fog, low mood, constipation, hair loss and dry skin.



When you are in an ongoing state of stress, as many women are, you produce more cortisol.  Some cortisol is a good thing, but constant cortisol day after day impairs your metabolism, as your body wants to conserve body stores to deal with the perceived threat.  Cortisol can contribute to more weight around the middle.  Helping to calm your nervous system and reduce cortisol is one of the most important things you can do for your weight and overall health, as excess cortisol has damaging effects all over your body, and can particularly impact other hormone levels.  Ensuring quality sleep is super important for giving your nervous system a chance to rest and recover each day, along with working on other daily stress management - gentle to moderate exercise, spending time in nature, meditation, music or anything that helps you feel calm.


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This imbalance can develop over time from multiple factors including the pill, stress, chemicals and a low fat diet.  Increased weight on the upper arms, chest, hips and thighs is more common with this imbalance.  Many other symptoms can indicate this type of imbalance such as painful or heavy periods, irregular periods, infertility, fibroids, fluid retention, anxiety and moodiness.  A saliva hormone test is a great way to assess your levels and work on restoring balance.



A low calorie or low fat diet will encourage your body to hold onto weight as it perceives a shortage of food and nourishment.  Consuming enough protein and healthy fats will keep your blood sugar and energy more stable, keep you full for longer, support hormone production and support weight regulation.  

Too many refined grains and sugars in the diet will contribute to increased insulin - another hormone which can impact weight regulation.  

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Focus on 2-3 serves of protein, quality fats and a variety of vegetables as the main components of your diet.  Moderate amounts of whole grains can be beneficial - take notice of how these make you feel to work out the amount that's right for you.  However we don't need 9-11 serves as some dietary guidelines suggest!  

I encourage you to not count calories - just focus on eating whole foods and count nutrients if anything!




Our gut bacteria play a huge role in our health including weight regulation.  We are actually around 10 times more bacteria than human cells and the essential role they play in our health continues to be discovered.  Our bacteria balance is impacted every day from antibiotics, reflux medication, pain medication, processed foods, sugar, alcohol, stress and chemicals including chlorine in tap water.  Probiotics and fermented vegetables can be a great way to support your gut bacteria - however if these cause issues you may have a bacterial overgrowth that needs to be treated first.

Similar influences that impact our bacteria balance can also impact our liver function and levels of inflammation in our body which can also inhibit weight loss.  Underlying inflammation is now being linked to many symptoms and disease states including depression, dementia, obesity, diabetes and auto-immune conditions.


For easy weight regulation our body needs to be in a happy balance - particularly our nervous system, digestion and hormones.  If weight loss is a struggle for you, I'd love to help you work out any underlying reasons and help you reach your ideal weight.



Marion McConnell is a degree qualified Naturopath who helps women with stress, hormone imbalances, anxiety and fatigue.  The clinic is located in New Farm Brisbane, and consultations are also available via Skype.  You can contact Marion here.

Why Am I So Moody?!


Do you find PMS is lasting longer than it used to?

Are your moods more erratic or intense?

Are you feeling more flat, anxious or overwhelmed?


Changes in mood can be one of the major symptoms experienced by women who present with health concerns in clinic.  While a hormonal imbalance may be underlying our moods, there can also be other factors involved.

Low Progesterone (especially in relation to estrogen) is a common finding in women who are experiencing increased moodiness or low mood.  This imbalance can develop over time from multiple influences, especially ongoing stress and use of the pill.

Thyroid function is also impaired by stress and also plays a vital role in mood regulation.  If you've only had your TSH tested (this is what's usually tested by GP's), it's ideal to also get T3 and T4 tested with a Naturopath to really assess how well you are producing and activating your thyroid hormones.  The TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) can still look 'normal', even if the T3 and T4 are less than ideal.


Iron and B12 are also commonly low in clients.  These nutrients are important for mood and energy, and there's an increased chance of having insufficient levels if you are vegetarian or have digestive issues which can impair absorption.

Vitamin D deficiency has also been linked to low mood and energy.  This is another important one you can get checked through your Naturopath, as Medicare no longer routinely covers this test for GP's, and many Australians are deficient.  This would be one of my most important nutrients to get checked as it also plays a huge role in our immunity and disease protection. Optimal levels are over 100 pmol/L.

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Bacteria balance and our gut function is also strongly linked to our mood and mental health - known as the Gut-Brain Axis.  A large number of our neurotransmitters, which influence our mood, are produced in our digestive tract.  If there is an imbalance in bacteria, an overgrowth of yeast, parasites or ongoing infection or inflammation - our gut environment and subsequent impact on our mood will be less than ideal!


Inflammation in our bodies and brain has been associated with depression and mood disorders.  Our diet and lifestyles strongly influence the level of inflammation in our bodies.  Stress, sugars, processed foods, trans fats, chemicals, excess refined grain products and alcohol can all contribute to inflammation.

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Quality fats, protein, vegetables and filtered water to support our brain function, and neurotransmitter and hormone production.  If the diet is lacking these nutrients our bodies and mind will be unable to operate optimally.



If moodiness is a symptom you'd like to address, I'd love to help you discover which of these underlying imbalances are relevant to you.



Marion McConnell is a degree qualified Naturopath who helps women with stress, hormone imbalances, anxiety and fatigue.  The clinic is located in New Farm Brisbane, and consultations are also available via Skype.  You can contact Marion here.


Do you find yourself reaching for the sweet stuff more and more?

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This is a very common experience for many women and one that can be tricky to break free from due to the addictive quality of sugar!  

There are a number of reasons you may be experiencing sugar cravings such as nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, fatigue, stress or emotional issues.

There are also a number of reasons why you may want to limit sugar consumption including an increase in insulin resistance and risk of diabetes, ageing, weight, inflammation, triglycerides and blood pressure (an indicator of heart disease risk - which more women than men die from!).  

Sugar also reduces skin quality, sleep quality, energy and can cause an imbalance in other hormones, including ghrelin and leptin which regulate your appetite and satiety. 

While our bodies are designed to handle 1-2 pieces of fruit per day, they are not able to deal with a daily onslaught of added sugars! 

Here are my 5 top tips to help reduce sugar cravings - 

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1. Include adequate protein and fat at each meal - this helps to keep your energy and blood sugar levels more stable.  Focus on eating a variety of vegetables along with some protein and fat - free range eggs, grass fed animal products, butter/ghee, wild fish, avocado, olive oil, coconut products, nuts and seeds.

2. Have some low sugar snacks handy - tamari almonds, unsweetened yoghurt and berries, cheese and olives, hummus and veg sticks, apple slices with tahini or nut butter.  

3. Try some herbal tea - cinnamon is great for blood sugar and licorice gives a sweet taste to any herbal tea.  You could also try some kombucha or soda and lime. 

4. Take notice of any underlying reasons that are contributing to your sugar cravings - fatigue, stress, boredom, loneliness.  Sweet food can offer us a quick and easy fix to however we're feeling - but unfortunately this is only temporary and doesn't offer us any real solution.  Be kind to yourself as you become aware of any of these and work on changing your habits to ones that truly make you feel good - both now and in the future. 

5. Take a good quality Magnesium and B vitamin powder - these nutrients are important in regulating blood sugar and insulin, and are also great for energy production and stress.  Chromium and Gymnema are also great - a couple of drops of gymnema on the tongue will make anything sweet taste like cardboard!

If you'd like to investigate any of these underlying issues, or would like some support in reducing your sugar addiction, I'd love to help you.  



Marion McConnell is a degree qualified Naturopath who helps women with stress, hormone imbalances and thyroid issues.  The clinic is located in New Farm Brisbane, and consultations are also available via Skype.  You can contact Marion here.