Gut Health

Endometriosis Treatment

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If you've been diagnosed with Endometriosis or experience painful periods you can find relief with the right treatment!  An imbalance in hormones, immunity and inflammation are all possible contributors to the painful symptoms, and fortunately there are natural treatments that can improve these underlying imbalances and your symptoms.  

If you have been prescribed the Pill or Mirena for period pain, unfortunately these will not be resolving the underlying issues.  While they have a place in the short term and can help reduce pain, using other tools to resolve the underlying imbalances will offer you true long term relief from pain.

Here are my top three pointers for addressing Endometriosis - 



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Research indicates that Endometriosis may be an auto-immune condition, and if so this changes the treatment approach to rebalancing a haywire immune system rather than just looking at hormone levels.  A huge part of our immune system resides in our digestive tract, in particular our gut bacteria and the integrity or strength of our gut lining.  In auto-immune conditions the gut lining has become impaired or 'leaky', allowing substances to pass from our digestive tract to our bloodstream that normally wouldn't get through, and this sets off an immune response.

Auto-immune conditions can impact different body parts - such as Rheumatoid Arthitis (joints), Hashimotos (thyroid) or Multiple Sclerosis (nervous system), however they all have the same underlying issue - an immune system that has gone haywire.  These auto-immune conditions and leaky gut can develop over time from multiple factors including stress, antibiotics, antibacterial products, processed foods, sugars, alcohol and pesticides on food.

There are specific herbs and nutrients which can help improve gut integrity in addition to reducing or eliminating the above influences.  Glutamine, zinc carnosine, licorice, aloe vera, turmeric, slippery elm along with vitamin A and D are all important for gut integrity.  Including broths, slow cooked meals and fermented vegetables can also support gut health.  It's best to start slow if introducing fermented foods and if they upset your digestive system you may need to work on improving your gut health with a practitioner first.




This amazing spice has many researched health properties which explain why it can significantly help with Endometriosis symptoms.  Turmeric can help reduce the inflammation, oxidation and cell proliferation involved in Endometriosis, along with supporting or moderating the immune system.  

If there are elevated levels of estrogens, turmeric may also help reduce these and support liver detox which is how your body removes excess hormones.  Look for a good quality supplement with either black pepper or with turmeric as a phospholipid/fat form for optimal absorption - Curcumin is the active component of Turmeric.  Some supplements also contain Boswellia or Ginger which are also great anti-inflammatory herbs and can also help reduce period pain.



Many women may develop hormonal imbalances over time especially in our modern stressful and chemical laden environments!  An imbalance between progesterone and estrogens can contribute to painful periods and Endometriosis.  Ongoing stress has a huge impact on other hormone levels, while chemicals in body care and plastics are known to disrupt hormone balance.  Use of the Pill can also contribute to hormonal imbalances.

Hormone levels can be assessed through saliva testing by a Naturopath and it is possible to return your hormones to a happy balance through supplements, dietary and lifestyle changes.  

One of the most effective supplements at improving estrogen levels is DIM or I-3-C for short - this compound is derived from broccoli and helps to metabolise and reduce excess estrogen.  Working on stress management and using herbs such as Rehmannia and Withania can help support your adrenals and reduce the impact of stress on your body and other hormones. Vitex or Chaste Tree can be helpful when progesterone is low.


You can also support your liver and digestive system to metabolise and remove excess hormones by including adequate quality protein, fats and a variety of vegetables and herbs - especially cruciferous (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussel sprouts), garlic, onion, ginger, rosemary and turmeric.


If you suffer from painful periods or Endometriosis I'd love to help you address the underlying causes and find relief from pain.



Marion McConnell is a degree qualified Naturopath who helps women with stress, hormone imbalances, anxiety and fatigue.  The clinic is located in New Farm Brisbane, and consultations are also available via Skype.  You can contact Marion here.

Constipation Causes And Treatment


Do you struggle with constipation?

Our digestive health impacts all areas of our body so ensuring your bowels are moving regularly is essential!  Ideally you should be having a bowel movement every one to two days, it should be easy to pass and formed - not pellet like or too loose.  Check out the Bristol Stool Chart  -  type 4 is ideal, and 3 is the next best type.

Optimal digestive health is essential for nutrient absorption, mental health, immunity and removal of wastes and toxins.

If you've been struggling with constipation a good place to start is ensuring you're drinking enough water (at least 1-2L depending on your diet and exercise level) and consuming adequate vegetables.  Include a variety of vegetables with each meal, along with some quality protein and fat. Including some fermented vegetables such as sauerkraut can also be a great way to support digestive health - start with 1 tbsp with one meal per day.  (If fermented vegetables cause you any digestive upset you may need to start smaller or you may have a more serious imbalance or overgrowth of gut bacteria which needs correcting first).

Dysbiosis - an imbalance in gut bacteria, can contribute to constipation, so a good quality multi-strain probiotic can be useful.  Our gut bacteria become imbalanced over time from antibiotics, antacids, steroid medication, chemicals, stress, alcohol, sugar and processed foods.


Magnesium citrate can also be used to help relax your nervous and digestive system to help get things moving.  If you are stressed your digestive system is literally shut down, as it is not seen as critical during a fight or flight response.  Ongoing stress, which is experienced by many people, has a huge impact on your digestive function. 

Sometimes just giving yourself enough time to sit on the toilet can help!  With our busy lives, some people just don't give their body enough time to relax on the toilet!  


Liquid herbs are amazing at improving digestive function especially chronic constipation.  Cascara, Yellow Dock, Globe Artichoke and Schisandra can be used safely and have a laxative effect.  They also work by stimulating liver function and improving bile production which are essential for optimal digestion and bowel movements.  A more frequent dose of herbs can be used initially until your digestion is moving more regularly.  A calming herb, such as Chamomile is ideal to use alongside the stronger action of Cascara, to help calm and soothe your digestive system.

Constipation, especially if chronic can also be caused by hypo or under-active thyroid function - which can be assessed by a Naturopath.  Testing TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) alone does not give you an accurate picture of thyroid function - you also need to check T3 and T4 levels.

Other conditions such as SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacteria Overgrowth) can also contribute to constipation - a Naturopath can help you work out which underlying issues and testing are relevant to you.

If you'd like to improve your digestive health I'd love to help you.  


  Marion McConnell is a degree qualified Naturopath who helps women with stress, hormone imbalances, anxiety and fatigue.  The clinic is located in New Farm Brisbane, and consultations are also available via Skype.  You can contact Marion here.