
Hormone Imbalance Symptoms

Some of the most common hormone imbalance symptoms in women include:

  • Fatigue

  • Unexplained weight gain

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Brain Fog

  • Constipation

  • Fluid Retention

  • Heavy, painful or irregular periods

  • Infertility

If you experience any of these symptoms, you may have an underlying hormone imbalance - and one of the major reasons that our hormones can become imbalanced is due to ongoing stress.

Stress and cortisol production are designed to protect you - to help you run away or fight - but their design was only intended for short bursts, not the ongoing chronic nature of stress many of us experience today.


Cortisol is produced by your adrenal glands, which are also one of the ways your body produces progesterone. One of the most important hormones for women is progesterone - it balances the effect of estrogens and also has anti-anxiety, anti-depressant and diuretic properties, along with helping us hold a pregnancy to full term.

If your adrenals are busy producing cortisol they will be unable to produce sufficient levels of progesterone.

You also produce progesterone during ovulation - so if you are not ovulating every month you are missing out on your monthly boost of this vital hormone. Most hormonal birth control medications prevent you ovulating.

If we are not producing enough progesterone this can lead to estrogen dominance. Symptoms of estrogen dominance include

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • PMS

  • Heavy and/or Painful Periods

  • Irregular Periods

  • Bloating

  • Fluid Retention

  • Infertility

  • Weight Gain


Ongoing stress has an impact on many other hormones in your body such as thyroid hormones. Symptoms of an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) include:

  • Low Mood

  • Brain Fog

  • Trouble losing weight or unexplained weight gain

  • Constipation

  • Sensitivity to Cold

  • High Cholesterol

Many women are told their thyroid is ‘fine’, however most have only been tested for one thyroid hormone (TSH). There are three thyroid hormones (TSH, T3, T4) that need to be tested to assess how well your thyroid is functioning.

Cortisol also impacts the hormones insulin, leptin and grehlin which regulate your appetite and satiety.

Chronic stress has a catabolic effect - meaning it breaks things down such as your lean muscle mass and collagen, while it is also linked to increased abdominal adiposity. Not a great thing for our vanity or health.


Cortisol signals to your body that you are in danger or living in famine - basically that you are not safe. This causes some areas of your body to go into overdrive such as your skeletal muscles and blood sugar levels, to help increase energy for you to run or fight the ‘threat’.

However, other areas of your body are shut down or inhibited as they are not seen as critical in a threat situation. These include your digestive, immune and reproductive functions. You can see how ongoing stress will really impact these areas and contribute to digestive, immune and reproductive issues over time.

Stressors can come in many forms such as financial worries, running late, social media, feeling short of time, health concerns, work environment, trying to please everyone and perfectionism.

How you perceive situations can also determine if you allow a situation to cause you stress or not.

Other factors that can increase cortisol include

  • Poor Sleep

  • Caffeine

  • Alcohol

  • Excessive Exercise

  • Dieting or inadequate food intake.


We have a huge influence on how much stress we experience or allow into our lives.

  1. Start by becoming aware of the things that cause you stress.

  2. How can you change your perception or situation to reduce unnecessary stress?

  3. What beliefs do you have that may be contributing to your stress levels?

Other steps you can take include regularly checking in with your breathing - deep slow breathing is one of the most accessible things we have that can help calm our body almost immediately.

Also working on our time management, saying No when needed, gentle exercise, visualisations, guided meditations and making sleep a priority will also help us reduce cortisol and stress.

Whatever you can do to let your body know it is safe will help.

Herbs and nutrients such as Zizyphus, Withania, Lavender, Lemon Balm and Magnesium are also great at helping to calm our stress response. There are more specific treatments that can help depending on which type of hormone imbalance is specific to you.

If you’re ready to learn more about how to improve your Energy, Mood and Hormones - check out my Free Guide here.

To find out more about working together to improve your health - click here.

PCOS and Fertility


While being diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) MAY impact your fertility - the underlying hormonal imbalances are mostly manageable. While PCOS is ASSOCIATED with infertility - that doesn’t mean it will be your experience, especially if you work on improving the underlying hormonal imbalances.

I recently attended a seminar where the Professor who is involved in PCOS research described the possible issues with fertiity as a ‘road block’ or the process getting stuck at one point in the chain of events. Meaning your body is capable of fertility, it may just need a bit of help to get there!

While medications such as Metformin and Hormonal birth control may help manage symptoms and synthetically alter hormone levels - they are not resolving the issue - just masking it. This is why working with a qualified Naturopath can help you balance your hormones naturally and in a more lasting way - by resolving the root causes and therefore improving symptoms for the long term.


Balancing your hormones through natural methods such as specific quality supplements, dietary and lifestyle changes can improve symptoms, promote monthly ovulation and enhance fertility. Working on resolving these hormonal imbalances before you conceive is important, as they can impact the health of your child along with increasing the risk of pregnancy and birth complications.

The main driver of PCOS is insulin resistance which in many cases is a direct result of dietary and lifestyle factors such as food choices, stress, sedentary lifestyle and exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals found in plastics, pesticides and fragrances. Therefore you have a huge impact on improving insulin resistance by working on these daily habits and exposures. You can read more here on food choices and improving insulin resistance.

Insulin resistance also contributes to the increased androgen/testosterone level seen in PCOS women (and subsequent hair growth), as well as increasing your risk of diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, pregnancy complications (gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, preterm birth) and impaired fetal development. Your child would also have a higher risk of developing diabetes and obesity during their lifetime.


This is why preconception care for any couple for at least 3-6 months is a great idea! The healthier the egg and sperm at conception the healthier your child - not just at birth but also throughout their lifetime!

As you can see we have a huge impact on the balance of our hormones and there’s much we can do to restore balance, enhance fertility and optimise the health of future generations.

If you are concerned about fertility in regards to PCOS or other hormonal imbalances, I’d love to help you.


Marion McConnell is a degree qualified Naturopath who helps women with stress, hormone imbalances, anxiety and fatigue.  The clinic is located in New Farm Brisbane, and consultations are also available via Skype.  You can contact Marion here.

What The Pill Does To Your Hormones and Health

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As women we are prescribed the OCP (or Implanon or similar) for just about any hormonal complaint or as the preferred method of contraception.  However many women I speak to are unaware of what it's really doing to their hormones or bodies, along with the side effects particularly from long term use.

While the Pill can be great for masking painful symptoms and providing a mostly reliable and easy form of contraception, their are other options which don't come with any side effects to your hormones and health. 


The synthetic hormones in these medications are not the same as your natural progesterone and estrogens, and they can therefore put your natural levels of these hormones out of balance.  This hormonal imbalance commonly underlies many hormonal symptoms - from increased PMS and moodiness, to painful and heavy periods, fluid retention and infertility.  While the Pill can help mask unpleasant symptoms, it is unfortunately not helping to resolve the underlying hormonal imbalance, so it's more than likely your symptoms will reappear or have worsened when you stop taking the Pill.

One of my clients ended up with a liver tumour due to long term use of the Pill.  An increased risk of stroke and heart disease - which are actually more fatal in women compared to men - is also associated with the Pill.  These synthetic hormones also disrupt our gut bacteria and deplete essential nutrients such as B vitamins, magnesium and zinc which are all super important for our mood, energy, hormone balance and fertility.


Having a monthly period (again, not the same as the 'period' you have on the Pill) is vital for womens hormones and health, whether you're hoping to get pregnant or not.  Each month when you ovulate your body produces progesterone.  This hormone is super important for limiting PMS, boosting our mood and for carrying a pregnancy to full term.  

The Pill has a few effects in your body but the most notable is that it prevents you ovulating - and therefore producing progesterone each month, which can therefore contribute to insufficient progesterone and hormonal imbalance.  You can see how skipping your period with these medications would also have a negative impact on your hormone balance and health.  

Hormonal medications such as the Pill and HRT can lead to increased estrogen levels, higher levels of which are associated with fibroids, endometriosis and breast cancer.  

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Conception can only occur a few days out of each month, however women are taking a medication with side effects everyday - which if you're ok with that is fine, but I see many women who haven't thought of it that way or weren't aware of potential side effects.  You have to choose whatever option works best for you, but I believe it's important for women to have all the information so they can make informed choices regarding contraception, their hormones and health.

Other factors can also contribute to hormonal imbalances developing over time including ongoing stress, chemicals in plastics, skin care and cleaning products, insufficient quality fats and protein in your diet and other nutritional deficiencies.  


Tracking your cycle on an App is a great way to become more aware of your monthly symptoms, know when you ovulate and which are your fertile days  - it can be a great tool for contraception or conception!  There are many Apps available including Period Tracker Lite, Kindara and Clue.

There are herbal medicines and nutrients that can help improve hormonal symptoms and return your hormones to a happy balance.  You can also start supporting your body and hormones before you stop taking the Pill, to help reduce symptoms once you decide to stop.  

If you'd like to work on rebalancing your hormones and health I'd love to help you.  



Marion McConnell is a degree qualified Naturopath who helps women with stress, hormone imbalances, anxiety and fatigue.  The clinic is located in New Farm Brisbane, and consultations are also available via Skype.  You can contact Marion here.

The Power Of Tracking Your Cycle

Would you like to feel more empowered about your health and hormones?

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Tracking your cycle is a great place to start!

The insights you will gain include

  • Cycle length and regularity
  • Symptoms associated with hormonal changes
  • Ovulation and fertile days - essential to know for conception or contraception!
  • Duration of period and flow
  • Temperature charting (which can also be an indicator of thyroid health)

Knowing this information can give you a great insight into your hormonal and overall health.  

Tracking your cycle is a great option for contraception.  Many women feel the the Pill is their main option for contraception, however tracking and condoms can be effective without the side effects of medication.  


Many women are taking a medication every day to prevent falling pregnant, which is only possible a few days a month.  Using the Pill shuts down your natural ovulation, which is essential for women's health, not just for pregnancy.  While it's great to have contraception options, they shouldn't be to the detriment of women's health.

If you are making changes to your diet and lifestyle, or taking supplements to correct a hormonal imbalance, a period tracking app can be a convenient way to track improvements over time.

Some period tracking apps to check out include

  • Period Tracker Lite
  • Clue
  • Kindara

Another device that has given me a feeling of more freedom is using a menstrual cup!  I love that it reduces waste and is so convenient, and requires less changing than pads or tampons.  You're also not exposing yourself to chemicals found in non-organic sanitary products.  I wish I had known about these cups sooner!  

More on the Pill - 

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If you have been prescribed the Pill for a hormonal condition, the underlying issue will not be fixed by the Pill - it will merely be masking symptoms.  There are other effective treatments to help regulate your hormones including herbs and nutrients, depending on the imbalance and your symptoms. Many diet and lifestyle factors can influence our hormones, especially stress and chemicals -particularly those chemicals in plastics and body care products.

If you currently take the Pill, a good quality B vitamin complex and probiotic are essential as the Pill has been shown to deplete B vitamins (essential for energy, mood and hormones) and disrupt gut bacteria (essential for immunity, digestion, mood and hormones).

Our hormones have such a huge influence over our mood and health, so becoming more aware and in-tune with how your body feels each month and tracking your cycle can really help you to take control of your health.  Whether you want to have children or not, ovulation and balanced hormones are essential for optimal health and disease prevention.

If you'd like to learn more about your hormones or would like to restore hormone balance I'd love to help you.



Marion McConnell is a degree qualified Naturopath who helps women with stress, hormone imbalances, anxiety and fatigue.  The clinic is located in New Farm Brisbane, and consultations are also available via Skype.  You can contact Marion here.

The Dangers Of A Low-Fat Diet


Especially for women, the dangers of a low-fat diet can be extensive!  The right type of fats have an essential role in optimal hormone production, mental health and weight regulation. 

Fat has always been a highly valued component of traditional diets.  However it was the introduction of food processing and finding cheaper fats for food production that influenced the fat education we received.  The food industry has influences over government guidelines - which means we are not always being sold the best information for our health.  

Biased research results from Ancel Keys in the 50's that 'linked' saturated fat intake and cardiovascular disease risk, started the message that many people still are being told today - that all saturated fats are bad, we should eat a low-fat diet and vegetable oils are good.  However this is far from the truth and was not supported from the other countries studied which were left out of Ancel Key's results, and from many studies since.

While some vegetable oils are great, such as cold pressed olive oil, the processing of most vegetable oils and spreads leaves them rancid and devoid of any nutrition or health promoting properties!  They are actually more likely to cause oxidation and damage to your body. 


Consuming unprocessed fats, including some animal and other saturated fats are essential for optimal health.  They are needed by every cell in your body - the membrane of each cell needs these fats for proper structure and function.  If your body isn't working well at a cellular level, it can not work well at an organ or system level and your body will be more likely moving toward a disease state.  

Many hormones and Vitamin D require fats, including cholesterol, to be produced.  Our hormones help control many important processes in our body from fertility, energy, metabolism, immunity, sleep and mood.  The right fats also support digestive and skin health.

Fats keep you fuller and satisfied for longer, can be used for energy and help you absorb nutrients from your food - so always use homemade dressing, olive oil or grass fed butter on your veggies and salad!  The right fats also make your food taste amazing! 


It can take time to embrace fats and change your mindset after being told for decades that fats are bad - but it's time to start seeing some fats as your nourishing friend!  Start adding fats to every snack and meal, and take notice of the amount that feels good for you.  If you're eating enough fats and protein at your meals you should not get hungry again for at least 3-4 hours. 

There is much outdated science still being used today, that states fat will make you fat!  The right types of fat will help regulate your weight and help you feel more satisfied after eating.  There are many studies showing that it's the refined grains and sugars that contribute to increased inflammation, weight gain, ageing, mood disorders and risk of disease.  Low fat products are commonly higher in sugars.  

Cholesterol has also been vilified, however it is primarily produced in your liver and is actually used as an antioxidant and is increased in your body to help repair damage.  An under functioning thyroid can also cause cholesterol levels to increase.  So no, you don't have to worry about eating egg yolks - that's the most nutrient dense part!  (Look for pasture raised chicken eggs for the healthiest eggs).  There are many studies also showing that those with the LOWEST cholesterol levels have an INCREASED risk of disease and mortality.

Fats are damaged by heat, light, processing and oxygen, so look for oils in dark glass jars.  Cold pressed and extra virgin olive oils are the least processed.  Saturated fats such as coconut oil, butter and ghee are more stable to the above elements, however it's still good to buy fats in glass over plastic, as chemicals from plastic can leach into the fat.  Cooking low and slow is less damaging to fats.  


Different fats also contain extra beneficial nutrients.  Grass fed butter and ghee contain Vitamins A, D, E and K along with butyric acid which supports colon cells and digestive health.  There is minimal lactose in butter and ghee, so even if you are lactose intolerant you can likely tolerate some of these.  Coconut oil contains lauric acid which acts as a natural anti-microbial against infections.  Olive oil contains vitamin E which acts as an antioxidant in our bodies - helping protect us from the damaging toxins we're exposed to everyday.  Egg yolks contain choline which is essential for our brain and nervous system function.

Most fats contain a range of fatty acids - you've probably heard of omega-3 and omega-6.  Our diets used to be higher in omega-3's but the current western diet is now much higher in omega-6's from vegetable oils, nuts, seeds and grains, which contributes to more inflammation in your body.  The way animals are raised impacts the fatty acid ratio - so grain fed meat will be higher in omega-6, whereas pasture raised animals will have more omega-3.   Underlying inflammation in the body is linked to many diseases and symptoms from depression, dementia, painful periods, auto-immune conditions and more.

Starving your body of vital fats can contribute to many symptoms such as low mood, hormonal imbalances, poor weight regulation, dry skin and lowered immunity.  Make sure you're supporting your health by including high quality fats every day.

You can download a quick guide to choosing the right fats here!





Marion McConnell is a degree qualified Naturopath who helps women with stress, hormone imbalances, anxiety and fatigue.  The clinic is located in New Farm Brisbane, and consultations are also available via Skype.  You can contact Marion here.

PCOS Treatment

If you are one of the many women diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) you may have been prescribed the Pill and Metformin.  Unfortunately these medications will not resolve the underlying hormonal imbalances, even if they do help mask some of your symptoms.  


PCOS is commonly associated with increased testosterone and insulin resistance.  These imbalances contribute to acne, male pattern hair growth, weight gain, irregular menstrual cycles, reduced or no ovulation and infertility. The symptoms experienced can differ between women.

Fortunately there are other effective treatment options that will help support healthy hormone balance, resolve symptoms and support optimal ovulation and fertility.  

  • Herbs including Paeonia, Licorice, Cinnamon and the herbal compound Berberine can help support hormone balance, ovarian function and improve insulin sensitivity.

  • Inositol may help reduce elevated testosterone and acne.

  • Zinc is vital for healthy ovulation and hormone balance and also helps to reduce acne and heal skin. Facial hair growth may be related to the conversion of excess testosterone to dihydrotestosterone - and zinc helps to reduce this conversion.

  • Magnesium deficiency has been associated with insulin resistance and studies show that supplementing with magnesium can improve insulin sensitivity. There are also added benefits from taking magnesium such as calming your nervous system, improving sleep and reducing cramps and headaches.

  • Reducing sugar consumption is imperative - focus on eating a variety of vegetables with adequate protein and healthy fats. What you eat everyday will have the biggest impact on your blood sugar, insulin levels and hormone health.

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  • Liver support is also important when correcting hormonal imbalances as it plays a large role in hormone metabolism. Herbs such as St Mary's Thistle are great for this, and you can also include cruciferous vegetables, turmeric, ginger, rosemary, onions and garlic in your diet to support liver function.

  • Chemicals in pesticides, plastics, body care products and cleaning products also disrupt hormones so avoiding these as much as possible is a great idea for hormone and overall health! There are many natural alternatives available so it can be as simple as switching products next time you need to replace something.

  • Lastly working on stress management and supporting healthy gut function will also support healthy hormone balance and allow your body to clear excess hormones.

While these are the most common imbalances and treatment of PCOS, every woman is different and may have different contributing factors or influences.  Saliva testing is a great way to assess hormone levels and help determine the best treatment for you.

If you would like more personalised support in restoring hormone balance I'd love to help you.



Marion McConnell is a degree qualified Naturopath who helps women with stress, hormone imbalances, anxiety and fatigue.  The clinic is located in New Farm Brisbane, and consultations are also available via Skype.  You can contact Marion here.

Top 5 Foods For Happy Hormones

Hormones play a huge role in women's health and are used in the body to send messages and instructions to different tissues and organs.  Some of our major hormones include

  • Progesterone, Estrogens and Testosterone

  • Thyroid Hormones

  • Cortisol and Adrenaline

  • Insulin, Ghrelin and Leptin

These hormones influence many aspects of our health including

  • Menstruation

  • Fertility

  • Energy

  • Moods

  • Weight Regulation

Our bodies love to be in balance or homeostasis and our hormones are no different.  When a hormone imbalance develops over time, this can lead to symptoms and disease.


The top 5 foods to support happy and balanced hormones are -


QUALITY FATS - such as olive and coconut oil (cold pressed), olives, coconut products, avocados and butter from grass fed cows.  Hormones are made from cholesterol and other lipids (fats) - which is one huge reason why low fat diets are a terrible idea for women!  

Although we have been told fats are bad for us for decades, the right fats are essential for optimal health - on both the inside and out!  Adding fats to your food helps you to absorb certain vitamins and minerals, helps to keep you full for longer, provides energy and supports youthful skin.  Processed vegetable oils in plastic packaging are the damaging fats you will want to avoid.

QUALITY PROTEIN - eggs from true free range chickens, wild fish, grass fed meats and poultry, legumes/nuts/seeds (if tolerated - cooked/soaked for easier digestion).  Most of these proteins will also include some fats, and help to build hormones.

FOODS TO SUPPORT GUT HEALTH - include a variety of colourful vegetables (spray free when possible) which contain fibre, slippery elm powder, chia seeds, flaxseed meal, hemp seeds/meal, prebiotics such as artichoke, asparagus, onions/leeks and garlic, and fermented vegetables (if tolerated).  Your digestive system helps to bind and eliminate excess hormones and ensures optimal absorption of nutrients for hormone production and use. 


FOODS TO SUPPORT YOUR LIVER - cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale and brussels sprout.  These contain I-3-C (Indole 3 carbinol), a compound which helps to reduce excess estrogens and support hormone metabolism, for which the liver plays a large role.  Onions, garlic, rosemary and turmeric are also great for liver support.  

(Avoid eating a lot of raw cruciferous vegetables if you have an underactive thyroid).

SEAWEEDS - contain iodine and other minerals which are essential for hormones and tend to be lacking in many diets.  Seaweeds can easily be added to foods while cooking, or sprinkled on top or meals.

Two of the major foods to avoid or minimise are sugars and soy.  Some fermented organic soy products such as tempeh, miso and tamari are ok for most women, but too much soy in general can affect estrogen levels. Sugar increases your need for insulin, and constant intake will increase your risk of diabetes (and the many complications that come with that), increase weight and contribute to other hormonal imbalances.

Keep it simple by filling up on a variety of colourful vegetables (spray free when possible) and add enough fats and protein to keep you satisfied for a few hours.  This can differ between women and at different times in your life - so always take notice of how your body is feeling and what foods help you to feel your best.

If you have a significant hormone imbalance supplements can help to correct this, and then you can maintain hormone balance through diet and lifestyle. I would love to help you get your hormones back into balance so you can feel your best!



Marion McConnell is a degree qualified Naturopath who helps women with stress, hormone imbalances and thyroid issues.  The clinic is located in New Farm Brisbane, and consultations are also available via Skype.  You can contact Marion here.

Why The Pill Will Not Fix Your Hormone Imbalance

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It is a sad fact that women who present to their GP with hormonal symptoms are nearly always prescribed the pill.  The other options offered are the Mirena or in severe cases a partial or full hysterectomy.  It makes me feel sad that many women feel these are their only options!

While the pill may help reduce symptoms it is in no way fixing the underlying hormonal imbalance.  Your hormonal imbalance will continue to exist and when you stop the pill it's likely your symptoms will return or will have worsened.  While the pill is busy masking your symptoms it is also depleting your body of essential nutrients including B vitamins including folate, vitamin C, zinc and magnesium

There are many factors which can contribute to hormonal imbalances and having one blanket approach to the problem is unlikely to address womens individual needs.


Your menstrual cycle is an important indicator of your bodies health, so just masking your symptoms or using drugs to skip your period indefinitely is like putting your head in the sand!  However this approach is recommended to women every day by health professionals.

While there is a place for the pill and it's ability to help make womens symptoms bearable, there are many other treatment options that can help restore your hormones to a happy balance without side effects, and which many women are unaware of.  I don't want any woman taking the pill to feel bad, but just to be educated on the other options available to them, so that they can make a more informed choice on treatment options. 

Some hormonal issues such as endometriosis are now being shown to involve an underlying auto-immune issue, which Naturopathic treatment can also help with, but for which the pill will do nothing.


With salivary hormone and other blood tests we can better understand where your hormones are at now, possible contributing factors which led to the imbalance, and how best to restore hormone balance and improve your symptoms for good!

A hormonal imbalance can present with many symptoms and can also have a huge impact on your fertility.  So it's a great idea to work on any hormone issues now, so that in the future if you want to have children you will be much more likely to conceive and carry to term without complications.

Hormonal imbalances also contribute to diseases including fibrocystic breast disease, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, polycystic ovary syndrome and breast cancer.  So ensuring your hormones are in balance now, and learning how to keep them in balance, will reduce your risk of hormonal related disease later in life.

If you suffer from any hormonal symptoms such as irregular/heavy/painful periods, acne, PMS, endometriosis or ovarian cysts, please know that there are many effective Naturopathic treatment options available.  I would love to help you restore a happy hormone balance and eliminate your symptoms for good! 




Marion McConnell is a degree qualified Naturopath who helps women with stress, hormone imbalances and thyroid issues.  The clinic is located in New Farm Brisbane, and consultations are also available via Skype.  You can contact Marion here.