While being diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) MAY impact your fertility - the underlying hormonal imbalances are mostly manageable. While PCOS is ASSOCIATED with infertility - that doesn’t mean it will be your experience, especially if you work on improving the underlying hormonal imbalances.
I recently attended a seminar where the Professor who is involved in PCOS research described the possible issues with fertiity as a ‘road block’ or the process getting stuck at one point in the chain of events. Meaning your body is capable of fertility, it may just need a bit of help to get there!
While medications such as Metformin and Hormonal birth control may help manage symptoms and synthetically alter hormone levels - they are not resolving the issue - just masking it. This is why working with a qualified Naturopath can help you balance your hormones naturally and in a more lasting way - by resolving the root causes and therefore improving symptoms for the long term.
Balancing your hormones through natural methods such as specific quality supplements, dietary and lifestyle changes can improve symptoms, promote monthly ovulation and enhance fertility. Working on resolving these hormonal imbalances before you conceive is important, as they can impact the health of your child along with increasing the risk of pregnancy and birth complications.
The main driver of PCOS is insulin resistance which in many cases is a direct result of dietary and lifestyle factors such as food choices, stress, sedentary lifestyle and exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals found in plastics, pesticides and fragrances. Therefore you have a huge impact on improving insulin resistance by working on these daily habits and exposures. You can read more here on food choices and improving insulin resistance.
Insulin resistance also contributes to the increased androgen/testosterone level seen in PCOS women (and subsequent hair growth), as well as increasing your risk of diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, pregnancy complications (gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, preterm birth) and impaired fetal development. Your child would also have a higher risk of developing diabetes and obesity during their lifetime.
This is why preconception care for any couple for at least 3-6 months is a great idea! The healthier the egg and sperm at conception the healthier your child - not just at birth but also throughout their lifetime!
As you can see we have a huge impact on the balance of our hormones and there’s much we can do to restore balance, enhance fertility and optimise the health of future generations.
If you are concerned about fertility in regards to PCOS or other hormonal imbalances, I’d love to help you.
Marion McConnell is a degree qualified Naturopath who helps women with stress, hormone imbalances, anxiety and fatigue. The clinic is located in New Farm Brisbane, and consultations are also available via Skype. You can contact Marion here.